My site, just imported from Ning, supports a very small group of learners studying a specialized craft. We rely heavily on photos (member and admin posted) and their accompanying comment threads (as well as on forum discussions). Over the years, these discussions around photos have come to hold significant information. Some members have left the group but their photos and the accompanying discussion remain to teach later learners. So it's important that all users of my site can see all those photos/comments when they view the site's Image Gallery. This goes for other lists as well, videos, etc. When members click on a menu item that says Images, Photos, or Videos, I want all members to see all the items that have been posted on the site. Currently, they only see the photos, videos, etc. posted by profiles they follow.
(I have used Profile Exclude to make suspended members invisible on the profiles list but keep their content visible to current members. But if that content doesn't show up on lists, it is inaccessible.)
I see two ways around this and may like to do both, for good measure:
First, I've installed the Auto-Follow module. Rather than inserting specific profile ids in the "Select profiles" field, is there a way to select ALL profiles there? I would like all new members to automatically follow and be followed by all other members so that they see all activity on the site and view all items in their lists.
Alternatively (or additionally), is there a way to make lists (of videos, photos, comments, etc.) show content submitted by all profiles rather than only followed profiles?
Aside from my specific need for users to see older content posted by former users, these functions would be beneficial for any small groups that want to maximize users' views of other users' content. In tiny groups, the more activity people see, the more engagement can result.
updated by @lesrinchen: 12/17/16 07:56:57AM