solved Completing Ning Import Process After Some Delay

9 years ago
694 posts
I previously requested and received the service of a Ning to JR import while my Ning site was still active, a few months ago. My JR site is still under development, and has not been made fully public, and is not usable by the Ning site members (all by my own choice/failure to give time to the matter).

With the recent doubling of Ning fees, I have announced to all my members that the Ning site will close in two weeks (before the next billing cycle), and that no new members will be accepted from now.

I also asked members to send me a "Wish to Stay" or "Wish to Leave" subject line message, before the JR site is fully opened.

That has led to a lot of good feedback from both the stayers and leavers, who are about equal in number. The large majority of members have not responded at all, for unknowable reasons (and are not expected to respond). This silent majority have active email addresses, and wish to stay, I hope.

My next issue is how to transfer all the new Ning members acquired since the main import a few months ago.

Can I ask @paul to do this for me under the same billing as before?

Perhaps too much time has elapsed to consider it part of the same job.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 01/09/17 09:54:27AM
9 years ago
249 posts
It's actually a lot easier the second time, if you would like to do it yourself. You need to export your ning archive, upload the files and run the importer. Since Paul did it for you the last time, you know all the stuff you need is there :)

Here is the doc link for (you need Step 2-3-4)
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Peter
Yes - re-importing to bring your JR site into sync with the latest Ning archive should be straightforward and quick as the importer will detect and skip over existing members and content. Your initial import was on 2nd June this year so maybe there isn't too much new stuff? Send me a ticket with the Ning site and its admin login along with your JR site and admin login, and let me know when you want this doing and I'll hopefullt be able to get it done for you.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist