solved How do I remove items so they don't show in a profile "latest activity"

9 years ago
249 posts
I have items on a profile latest activity (see screenshot).

These items have been deleted and do not exist anymore.
If you click on them, you end up on the group page.

I would like to remove the entries from that profile's latest activity so I dont have dead links there.

updated by @elise: 12/18/16 12:21:06AM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Check that you have "Delete Timeline Entries" setting set at:
ACP -> MODULES -> PROFILES -> TIMELINE -> GLOBAL CONFIG -> Delete Timeline Entries

Checked. When that is on and the main item is deleted, the associated timeline entry should be deleted too. (screenshot)

If its not being deleted, steps to set it up please.
9 years ago
249 posts
Yes that was checked already.

I have a weird feeling that the problem is because these were imported from Ning.
9 years ago
249 posts
They seem to be comments on groups discussions for a group that was deleted. I think...
9 years ago
7,788 posts
guess: depends on how the groups were deleted. If they were deleted by clicking the delete button on the group from the profile, then the Listeners should have caught that process and fired the code to delete the timeline entry.

But if the groups were deleted another way, directly from the database, via the batch item editor, other..... then its possible the timeline module didn't catch the event so didn't delete the timeline entry.
9 years ago
249 posts
Wow Michael I am flattered that you think I can do batch item editor (i don't even know where that is :)
I deleted the group with the button, like the newbie that i am. The timeline entries remains...Ghosts!
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Thanks, I have a rough guide to test from now to check the system is working.

* add a group
* view the timeline entry is created
* delete the group

The bug should be seen with the timeline entry remaining.

I'll test it.
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Elise - Can you shoot me your admin login in a support ticket so that I can jump in a help where necessary? I guess the original ticket where you gave it to me is buried/closed now so can't find it!!

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
249 posts
Sure thing!
9 years ago
249 posts
So I'm not sure what is the next step here?
1) Waiting for michael to test if this is a bug?

2) Try to use the Batch Editor to delete the Timeline activity myself?

I don't want to end up with dangling items and I know just enough about database to know how dangerous this is. How safe is it to delete items from the Timeline table?
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Elise, be careful in the Batch Edit module- i screwed up once in there in a big way.

Are there a whole lot of these timeline entries that you need to delete? If it's only a few dozen, you can easily delete them via your Data Browser, ..and go to the DROP down menu there for "Timeline":

Deleting stuff from the Timeline there will be safe, especially if you know the profile_id #.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Bit confused here. In your top post you ask about timeline entries but your screenshot shows Group Discussions. The thread then seems to go OT onto the batch editor.
Where is the timeline that has then entries you want deleting, and as admin, do you not see a delete option when hovering over them?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
249 posts
The initial screenshot shows the location of the problem (latest discussions, profile).
It looks like timeline entries for items that were imported from Ning (not created in Jamroom).

There is no hover option to delete them.

Ater investigation, these are ALL comments on deleted groups, which leads me to think there is an issue somewhere in the database about orphaned group discussion comments, since they are the only ones in the "latest discussions" that cannot be deleted.

It's confusing... lol
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Sorry - Still confused!! Can you point me to 'orphaned' comments?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
4,335 posts
... or the timeline entries you cannot delete?
(Not really sure what I'm looking for here)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
249 posts
Click any of those "latest activity". They're all 404.
9 years ago
4,335 posts
All links are working for me ???

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
249 posts
This link (the first one) forwards me to the generic group page instead of the item (a comment on a deleted group discussion).

That's not where you end up?
9 years ago
4,335 posts
The groups those discussions belong to in turn belong to you, BUT, your are in the 'members' quota which does not have groups enabled. I switched you to the 'Members Group Owners' quota (which groups are enabled for) and all is looking good.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
249 posts
No offense but this quota thing is driving me crazy...

I thought you said that member who were NOT in a group quota could still read it.

I don't want my members to be able to create groups willy nilly. So I disabled it on their profile, assuming they could still access the groups.

Is that not accurate?
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Yes, that is correct. All members can see (non-private) groups, but non of your groups were showing to anybody because you were in that members quota that had groups disabled.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
249 posts
Ahhhh so this is a ning import problem.

I don't have any groups under my profile, they're all in my Groups profile. When I did my second import to top off my network, these 3 were added again and assigned to my profile.

I know you love the versatility of Quotas and Profiles and Users but I wonder how much time and effort it's costing you to have to explain this to your less experienced users, over and over again. I read the docs. I read tons of forum posts and I still don't get it. Which leads to questions like this. Users and Roles (as in Admin, Moderator, Group Owner, etc) would be plenty for my kind of usage.

Thanks again for your sainthood patience.
I could not figure this out without your help!
9 years ago
4,335 posts
That explains it then. Move them to your Groups profile using the Change Owner tool, then you can put yourself back into the Members quota.

I hear what you're saying about quotas/profiles/users etc. and appreciate it can be a difficult concept to get ones head around, but they are the 'backbone' of Jamroom and what gives it its infinite versatility to build any type of website. Yes, it does mean that JR is targeted at the more 'tech-savvy' user, just like you, so please stay with it. Things will fall into place as they have with many 100s of other users :-)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
3,603 posts
If I may add-
Elise, you have pulled together a JR site in an astonishingly short length of time, as far as I can tell.
I wish I were as fast a learner as you seem to be!

There is a whole world of more JR tools and functions and options that you don't even know about yet- that you'll discover as you continue to run and tweak your site. It's probably too much for anyone to learn in a mere month no matter how much reading you do. On ning the features and options allowed were mostly decided for you already, and a ning site is indeed initially faster to throw together.

One morning you'll log in and realize you don't actually have any pressing questions or site code tweaks on your 'To Do' list for that day... days like that will then begin to happen more often. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
249 posts
That explains it then. Move them to your Groups profile using the Change Owner tool, then you can put yourself back into the Members quota.

The problem is resolved now that I know what it is :) I did not realize the link was not displaying because of *permissions*. I thought it was a 404 that got a redirected to the main group page. Thanks!

paul:I hear what you're saying about quotas/profiles/users etc. and appreciate it can be a difficult concept to get ones head around, but they are the 'backbone' of Jamroom and what gives it its infinite versatility to build any type of website. Yes, it does mean that JR is targeted at the more 'tech-savvy' user, just like you, so please stay with it. Things will fall into place as they have with many 100s of other users

Don't get me wrong: I am willing to learn what I need so I can use this platform. Going live has gone very well (omg, love the kickbox module) and I had no user complaints. They just picked up where they left off from Ning. Overall, a big win. I'm not leaving. I love you: you rescued me from 9 years of Ning!

But I have observed, through my own experience and other forum posts, that the highly flexible concept of Quotas/Profiles/Users/Roles (Master Admin) leads to many support requests that you have to personally investigate. Like this one. It feels inefficient.

Maybe hearing this comment again will lead to a great idea on how you could have another flavor of Jamroom that is more intuitive for non-coding users, like Ning owner (aka Jamroom for Dummies).

Or maybe Ning owners are not your target user base in which case you can happily skip along :)

Either way, I felt it was worth mentioning.


updated by @elise: 09/14/16 04:10:06PM
9 years ago
249 posts
If I may add-
Elise, you have pulled together a JR site in an astonishingly short length of time, as far as I can tell.
I wish I were as fast a learner as you seem to be!
There is a whole world of more JR tools and functions and options that you don't even know about yet- that you'll discover as you continue to run and tweak your site. It's probably too much for anyone to learn in a mere month no matter how much reading you do. On ning the features and options allowed were mostly decided for you already, and a ning site is indeed initially faster to throw together.
One morning you'll log in and realize you don't actually have any pressing questions or site code tweaks on your 'To Do' list for that day... days like that will then begin to happen more often.

Yes! This happened today! I had less than 10 questions and I almost went into anaphylactic shock :)
I love these days.

I mentally send thank you note to all those who have helped me along the way.
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: But I have observed, through my own experience and other forum posts, that the highly flexible concept of Quotas/Profiles/Users/Roles (Master Admin) leads to many support requests that you have to personally investigate. Like this one. It feels inefficient.

Maybe hearing this comment again will lead to a great idea on how you could have another flavor of Jamroom that is more intuitive for non-coding users, like Ning owner (aka Jamroom for Dummies).

Thanks for the feedback Elise. It is appreciated. We have thought about a 'Jamroom for Dummies' before and have tried to implement it by making the creation a site on our hosting as easy as possible, the import process straightforward (particularly by paying for it), developing SiteBuilder and even creating a 'Ning' skin that implements all their Ning functionality. There are still a few more things we can do to ease the process and we're working on them but the problem is that there is never going to be a 'one size fits all' and users will want to customise their sites, which is fine, but they then invariably hit the profile/user/quota thing when they only know and understand 'members'. To many, that is then a brick wall and they are unwilling to put in any effort to read docs., so just fire questions at us instead. Note that you and the other recent Ning converts here are not included in this generalisation. You all have made the effort, read the docs. and are only asking for clarifications, which is great. We’re especially happy to help those who help themselves, so to speak :-)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
249 posts
I didn't know you had tried this before and it didn't ease that particular problem. Ah well...
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Elise:....I have observed, through my own experience and other forum posts, that the highly flexible concept of Quotas/Profiles/Users/Roles (Master Admin) leads to many support requests that you have to personally investigate. Like this one. It feels inefficient.....

Seams like the request is for a way to pre-set an entire system. Click a button and have the options you have arrived at set by the click of that button.

Its a good idea, what it needs to implement it though is an export of the settings you've chosen.

It would be nice to get an export of several setups and compare them to see what choices have been made to determine common factors.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
That would be cool....and amazing. But lots of work too, I imagine.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Hardest part would be finding a system to record and compare the desired data. Like what is different between your site and elise site strumelia. What is the same. What did you both decide to do. Did you both decide to create the same number of quotas? Stuff like that.
9 years ago
7,788 posts
analogy, is jamroom the leggo of community building, or is it a leggo technic set.

If its the technic set, then whats the goal.
lego.jpg  •  108KB

Lego-technic.jpg  •  689KB

updated by @michael: 09/15/16 09:49:10PM
9 years ago
109 posts
One morning you'll log in and realize you don't actually have any pressing questions or site code tweaks on your 'To Do' list for that day... days like that will then begin to happen more often.

I'm looking forward to this day too! Had a glimpse of it earlier today when I went for a whole hour with relative clarity and no urgent needs. Then, of course, I tried to make something a little more perfect and gave myself a new headache! ;-) It's all good. Thank you, Michael, Paul, Brian, etc. for your patient and responsive support!
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Good for you Les! :)

Elise, you might want to mark this thread 'solved' at the top if your original question got solved- it helps the JR team be more efficient in helping everyone. ;)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
