Generating Theme Problems

12 years ago
36 posts
Im having a problem regenerating themes on a new install and I have found that there is no band info data even for the admin. The new install was to test and compare problems i was having on my website generating themes, it is not regenerating and giving me no errors.
I found in my PHP error log this
PHP Warning ob start output handler ob gzhandler conflicts with zlib output compression in cssphp
PHP Notice ob start failed to create buffer in cssphp
PHP Warning ob start output handler ob gzhandler conflicts with zlib output compression in jsphp
PHP Notice ob start failed to create buffer in jsphp

This was from the new 431 install.
updated by @kevinm: 12/29/14 09:14:37AM
12 years ago
10,148 posts
You can ignore warnings/notices - those ones won't affect how your site is displayed.

When you say "no band info even" - can you explain what you mean?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
