solved how to set tags so only the owner can add tags?

9 years ago
435 posts
I have a question about tags. I would like to set up my tags to only the person who posted a discussion can add tags to their discussion. I have tried every mix of options for the tags, but none of them seem to do that. What should I be doing?
updated by @perrie: 09/11/16 01:22:28AM
9 years ago
917 posts
This page doesn't work?
1.jpg  •  145KB

9 years ago
435 posts
Hi Nate,
When I do exactly what you have there, everyone in that quota can add a tag. which is not good. I need it so only the author of the discussion can add tags.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Perrie- what about checking the "Tag Own items Only" checkbox?- wouldn't that enforce what you want, in that members could only tag their own items?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
917 posts
If it's broken then that's what we need to fix. Let us know and we can test it ourselves.
9 years ago
435 posts
Hi Strumelia,
Nope, that doesn't work. Then only I can post tags.
9 years ago
435 posts
Please be my guest and test away. Tell me how to proceed.
9 years ago
7,793 posts
Tested the tags on discussions: its working as expected.

Checking the "Tag Own Items Only" makes the tags box on the discussion only appear for admins and the profile owner.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Perrie, I think you are simply getting confused as to the settings and then what you SEE when you are logged in under a particular quota.
If you want All your members to be able to add tags, set it the way you want for the 'regular member' quota and also check the 'can tag only own items' box. Then check the "apply to all quotas' box and save.
Clear the CACHE so your your new change can be seen.
Then log OUT and log in as a regular (test) member. Start a new discussion as that test member, and you should see the tag adding option.

Keep in mind that if you are logged in as admin you'll always be able to see (and edit) anyone's tags.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 09/05/16 08:05:38AM
9 years ago
435 posts
Strumelia, I did all of that. It seems that when I set it so that members can add tags, then anyone can add a tag to a discussion, even to a discussion that is not theirs. I need it so that only the person who wrote the discussion can add tags and no one else. Also, and this is really odd, when I delete a tag, if you try to add a new tag, the old deleted one comes up instead. Sometimes clearing the cache fixes that, but it really shouldn't work that way.
9 years ago
917 posts
Strumelia, I did all of that. It seems that when I set it so that members can add tags, then anyone can add a tag to a discussion, even to a discussion that is not theirs. I need it so that only the person who wrote the discussion can add tags and no one else. Also, and this is really odd, when I delete a tag, if you try to add a new tag, the old deleted one comes up instead. Sometimes clearing the cache fixes that, but it really shouldn't work that way.

The thing is, we have a setting to do exactly what you're asking and we're all asking you to check it. You haven't specifically stated that you have yet, so all this back and forth continues.

If it's broken, we can fix it but we need to be sure you've checked the box and then tested as a non admin. Admins will always see the tag form.

Michael says he tested and it works. We trust Michael a great deal. So we need to sort this out.
9 years ago
435 posts
OK I have tried to set them again. I am including a screenshot so you can see how I have them set. After the reset, I cleared the cache, and tested it. I can still change tags as a regular member on someone else's discussion.
I am not sure what Michael did, but it doesn't seem to work for me.
9 years ago
917 posts
You don't have it checked. "Tag Own Items Only". It's the only one unchecked.

Make sure you apply to all quotas when you check it.
9 years ago
435 posts
Hi Nate,
So at first I checked all the boxes and reset the cache and it seemed to work. But when I changed the time from 1 min between tags to zero, the tags will not take at all. I did a reset of the caches and still no tag will take. Furthermore, when I retry to post the tag, I get a message telling me that the tag was already posted. There is obviously something wrong.
9 years ago
435 posts
OK so it gets even weirder. I posted a tag to an article that was not mine with my test account and it wouldn't take, which I thought was good. But now about 10 minutes later, I see that it did take. So not only can a person post a tag to someone else's discussion, it also takes a long time for it to show.
9 years ago
2,584 posts
Is your tag wait timer set to 10 minutes? You can change that in jrTags config: /tags/admin/global

Does it take a long time to show because your cache is set to show slightly older versions?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
9 years ago
7,793 posts
perrie:...So at first I checked all the boxes and reset the cache and it seemed to work. But when I changed the time from 1 min between tags to zero, the tags will not take at all. I did a reset of the caches and still no tag will take. Furthermore, when I retry to post the tag, I get a message telling me that the tag was already posted. There is obviously something wrong....
This is a different issue than the one being discussed in this thread. (seams like a separate caching issue)

I will check it out.

Try to keep the rest of the thread on the topic of "....only the person who posted a discussion can add tags to their discussion..." to get an answer to that.
9 years ago
435 posts
I had to turn off the tags, because I have a member leaving nasty tags all around the site. I would appreciate any help with this issue.
9 years ago
917 posts
perrie:...So at first I checked all the boxes and reset the cache and it seemed to work. But when I changed the time from 1 min between tags to zero, the tags will not take at all. I did a reset of the caches and still no tag will take. Furthermore, when I retry to post the tag, I get a message telling me that the tag was already posted. There is obviously something wrong....
This is a different issue than the one being discussed in this thread. (seams like a separate caching issue)
I will check it out.
Try to keep the rest of the thread on the topic of "....only the person who posted a discussion can add tags to their discussion..." to get an answer to that.

We've helped you with this particular topic. You've moved on to another. We generally prefer these forums stick to the original topic. We don't mean to be rude, but the forum works best of we enforce that standard.
9 years ago
435 posts
That is fine. I just thought it was relevant, since it's the tags that seem to be affected.
9 years ago
7,793 posts
"...only the person who posted a discussion can add tags to their discussion...."
Is this specific question solved?
9 years ago
435 posts
9 years ago
917 posts
I'm beginning to think it's not built to work the way you want it to work. It's profile owners or everyone.
9 years ago
435 posts
That is what I thought, which is why I started this discussion. I would like to know if anyone knows how to make an adjustment to a template so that only the author of an a discussion is the only person who can tag their discussion.
9 years ago
435 posts
OK, just an update. Paul checked it out, and there was something hardcoded that was causing the problem. It has been resolved, so you can mark this closed.