solved E-Commerce, Service Shop, Merchandise Shop and payment gateways

A Wessels
8 years ago
3 posts
Can one use an alternative to Foxycart ? The payment gateway I have to use is Payfast, and they do have integration with Jamroom (plus thier subscription system).

I want to use Service Shop as well as Merchandise Shop for my users, can I use them with Payfast instead of Foxycart. Payfast have a number of other shopping carts, but not foxycart.
updated by @a-wessels: 11/30/16 01:35:30PM
8 years ago
7,746 posts
Currently only foxycart. We chose foxycart so that we wouldn't have to build payment gateways.

Payfast gateway is already supported by foxycart:

Quote: luke FoxyCart Team
March 2012
Hey Dale. You'll be happy to know that we just pushed PayGate live this morning with full 3D Secure support in version 072. Please give it a try and let us know if you run into any problems.

There is another payment system in the works that will allow you to build your own payment gateway connection system if you don't want to use foxycart.
