closed Cannot edit a certain page with Site Builder

9 years ago
1,353 posts
Ever since creating this page almost 2 years ago I have not been able to edit it with site builder-when I click the site builder button nothing happens- also on mobile devices you cannot leave the page by the menu- you have to close the browser and start over
I look at the page using Google Chrome> Inspect Element and do not see any errors
Also the option to MODIFY the code in Site Builder> Tools> Data Browser now only shows DELETE and not MODIFY?
Any ideas on how to get this page/script to work on JR?
updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
9 years ago
2,584 posts
The html that you see in Firefox inspect element has the html corrected - browsers are pretty good at working out what the html is intended to be. If you "view source" the html is uncorrected and the broken html shows in red. You do have some red html on that page.

If sitebuilder works by using javascript you have a couple of errors which you can see in Firefox console. They might be a problem, or maybe not. Chrome has a console as well.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
9 years ago
7,792 posts
The error its throwing is:
TypeError: $(...).sbPanelSortable is not a function

Which means: "you told me to do something, but the parts needed to do what you told me aren't there."

Other pages work:

Suggest deleting that page and re-creating it.
9 years ago
1,353 posts
I have rebuilt the page several times over the last year or so on 2 different Jamroom sites
Always the same result
updated by @derrickhand300: 08/22/16 08:21:12PM
9 years ago
7,792 posts
Then its the code that you're putting into the widgets fault.

What is the code thats going into the widgets?
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Can't tell now because can't access the widget- used to access it using the data stire but I think that option has since been removed
9 years ago
7,792 posts
They are widget_id 687 and widget_id 782 you can still access all your data via
updated by @michael: 08/22/16 09:52:11PM
9 years ago
7,792 posts
Its probably these parts:
<script src="">
<script src="">
<script src="">
<script src="">
You're loading jquery again. Its already active on the page, and so if you load it again everything that was already loaded into it gets cleared.
9 years ago
1,353 posts
They are widget_id 687 and widget_id 782 you can still access all your data via

It used to be that you could go to SITE BUILDER and use PAGE BROWSER to MODIFY the code on any page( at least it seems like it used to be this way) In the past this has been the way I used to retrieve the code for the page. ( see attachment which is missing the MODIFY button)
Because Once I save the code to the widget I cannot alter it again because it wont open again in Site Builder- so In the past I would copy the code from the MODIFY button- then edit it....then delete the page and remake it with the new edited code. So I am wondering when or if the MODIFY button was removed?

I have just lived with the fact that the page cannot be navigated away from on mobile devices without closing the browser after spending days trying to understand why it didnt my reason for wanting to edit the page is their is now an ANDROID version that I wish to add a link to on the page...

DATABASE ADMIN....HMM....I would rather be sandblasted in the face with lawn sticker than to open that up :)

I just removed this
<script src="">
<script src="">
From the code and reposted the remaining code on a test page- the results of not being able to edit the widget are the same.
I am not sure if removing the jquery was proper troubleshooting but the result was the same
So then I removed ALL of the following from the code and reposted it on a test page
<script src="">
<script src="">
<script src="">
<script src="">

The Site Builder widget still will not open the widget for editing even with all the jquery and JS removed...experiencing the same issue with all of it removed...
Capture.JPG.jpg  •  52KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 08/23/16 05:00:41AM
9 years ago
7,792 posts
You should be able to do that, but the code you're entering is breaking the Site Builder system.

Quote: ....reposted the remaining code....
Paste that code here so I can have a look at it.


Sandblasting in the face? like this:
updated by @michael: 08/23/16 08:09:48PM
9 years ago
7,792 posts
How about this, to stop you getting a nice face sandblasting, add ?repair=true to the site builder created page:

That will load the page without the content. ( you know, that content that is breaking sitebuilder but you still want to keep? That stuff.....)

Then you can edit it.
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Yeah that a Ning site or a Godaddy site where it worked fine for years ... ( you know, that content that is breaking sitebuilder but you still want to keep? That stuff.....)
Pay for that again then maybe it would work in my JR Site if I embed the URL in an iframe or something...

Thanks for the "?repair=true" thought that had been removed when you upgraded from the old site builder construction kit to the new version a year or so ago- I should have looked for it in DOCS before posting( its there right?) or going to the old MODIFY button that I used to use...THANK YOU
updated by @derrickhand300: 08/24/16 04:03:44AM
9 years ago
2,584 posts
Does it still work fine on your ning or godaddy site?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Steve- yes it did until I transitioned...The problem turned out to be the jquery ( like Michael said) was being added with the javascript- when the JR site already had jquery enabled
I contacted the guy that built the app for me and he made the fix- he is really intelligent guy and the app has always been popular with oilfield workers because we work strange schedules like 7 days on /7 days off or 14/14 or 28/ it takes a lot of figuring if you are off for holidays/ kids birthdays etc...this app calculates that schedule in just a few seconds for the entire work year and then can be printed...thats why I REALLY wanted to keep it working even though some felt I should remove it because of the problem
But yeah-its working and the cause is what Michael said- which is usual on these things...sometimes you just got to irritate him until he tells you the answer :)
9 years ago
7,792 posts
You know I know all the answers, but am just not telling you them ;)
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Exactly - it's like trying to get an answer from " Kaine" in the old TV series "Kung Fu"
Sorry showing my age now
The Beginning of Wisdom
updated by @derrickhand300: 08/26/16 12:18:00AM
9 years ago
2,584 posts
Do you hear the grasshopper at your feet fast mower? ;)
Kung Fu's "Grasshopper"

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
9 years ago
1,353 posts
