solved Image gallery error on save

lets go
9 years ago
118 posts
I recently had my data switched to a new server , now when i upload a image and try to save this error comes up.

Query Error: Duplicate entry 'gallery_order-186-0' for key 'PRIMARY'
updated by @devcentricbeats: 11/17/16 04:03:53PM
9 years ago
7,793 posts
Are you using a BETA version or STABLE version. If its a BETA version, make sure you're up-to-date.
lets go
9 years ago
118 posts
its a stable version and i did update the jrcore, image core and image gallery
updated by @devcentricbeats: 08/14/16 09:45:44PM
9 years ago
7,793 posts
Then it shouldn't be happening, sounds like a bug, whats the steps to reproduce it?

What the message is saying is: "there is already an item in the database with this id, this id should be unique, so when you tell me to put the same id in again, I dont like it and im telling you I dont like it."
updated by @michael: 08/14/16 09:52:35PM
lets go
9 years ago
118 posts
The image completes the upload process but when i try to save it (create gallery) this error shows

Query Error: Duplicate entry 'gallery_order-190-0' for key 'PRIMARY'
9 years ago
7,793 posts
My guess is the jr_jrgallery_item and jr_jrgallery_item_key are out of sync.

When you moved the database over to the new server did you clear out the database before putting the new one in? How did you move the database?
9 years ago
7,793 posts
Seams like there is a 4 month old thread with similar issue:

Have you run the integrity check with all the checkboxes checked? How to do that is outlined here:

Docs: "Somethings wrong what do I do?"
lets go
9 years ago
118 posts
a2 hosting moved the data. I had just purchased the hosting so i assumed there wasnt any data on the server.
updated by @devcentricbeats: 08/15/16 06:14:11AM
lets go
9 years ago
118 posts
everything thats suggested here:
i have done multiple times.
I am reading the other thread you suggested now
lets go
9 years ago
118 posts
Thank you. the forum you suggested was pretty much the answer.
