solved Where to comment out the site title

9 years ago
25 posts
I have an image logo and want to comment out the site title because it is floating on top of my image. I tried to comment out in the header but that didn't work. I also tried to remove it from tree settings but then it disappears from the list of trees in the menu.
title.jpg  •  218KB

updated by @mollycakes: 10/08/16 10:18:12AM
9 years ago
4,335 posts
That would be in the skin header.tpl template, where you have tried it. There are two places in this template where the title shows, one is for mobile devices, the other for desktops (lines 23 and 43). Be sure to comment out the right one. Also be sure to enable the template changes if using the ACP editor, and to clear caches after any change, or run your site in 'developer mode' when editing templates to disable caching.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
25 posts
Thank you Paul! Perfect! I was trying to comment the wrong line.
