How To: Create RSS for a Specific Profile's Audio Items

9 years ago
212 posts
Hey guys,

Need some guidance or set of instructions to create a RSS feed (xml) for audio items on a specific member profile. Please can you show me how to do it?
updated by @ekwe: 11/07/16 09:26:10AM
9 years ago
4,335 posts
The feed module url can accept profile name and limit options, so try something like


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
212 posts
ah great. It's showing items. Now, what template do i have to edit to fix it up. Because I can't seem to find it in the jraudio of jrfeed templates

Thanks again
9 years ago
212 posts
Ok, found the template. Now how do I edit the value of these

{$rss_title} (Instead of Profile Name - Audio) I just want (Profile Name}

Also how can I put in the Profile ID and how can I put the audio duration. Like {$item.audio_duration} ? or the image for the profile owner on the feed before the item part.

Thanks guys for your incredible help
9 years ago
212 posts
So much progress made. I just need 2 things and RSS feed will be perfect and can be used for any platform

1. for audio_file_length: 00:03:34 // How do I make this seconds, I tried this {$item.audio_file_length|jrCore_format_time:false:"%ss"} and it did not work

2. I want {$rss_title} to not display @Username - Audio but just show the "Profile Name"

and that's it
9 years ago
212 posts
No answer yet ?
9 years ago
7,799 posts
Ekwe:....I just need 2 things and RSS feed will be perfect and can be used for any platform
1. for audio_file_length: 00:03:34 // How do I make this seconds, I tried this {$item.audio_file_length|jrCore_format_time:false:"%ss"} and it did not work
2. I want {$rss_title} to not display @Username - Audio but just show the "Profile Name"
and that's it....

Sounds like you need to adjust the RSS feed template for the module you're working on.

Theres some docs here that describe adjusting an RSS feed template:

Docs: "HowTo: Form Designer + Aparna = Custom Page Module with RSS feed"

The docs for the RSS module are here:

Docs: "RSS Feed and Reader"

And how to alter a modules template docs are useful too:

Docs: "Altering a modules template"

Then outline where you're up to and the issue you're having or not understanding and we can help you solve your problem.
9 years ago
212 posts
I've gone through all these docs. And I have fixed what I can. The last part still remains a mystery

Feed Title is defaulting to "@Username" , How do I just make the RSS Feed title show "Profile Name" only

9 years ago
7,799 posts
its all related to what you have in your .tpl files.

So you need to first identify which template controls the area that you're interested in.
* Then once you know which template effects the output you're interested in, make a change to it to know you can alter the output.
* Then what you want to do is alter the output to the structure you want.

For that use the {debug} function to understand what variables are available to you, then choose the variable that you want to output.

Save the template and you have what you want.

Docs: "{debut}"
