How do I....

9 years ago
25 posts
Can I add a small image to the Burial item event box or would this add it to every event box?

Also I can't seem to change the link color text from #336699 to #444444 without it changing the logo and link text from the menu. I wish to change the background of the drop boxes on the menu to transparent as I am going with a light background.

This is fantastic by the way! Have you thought of adding a page for a surname index?
updated by @mollycakes: 10/06/16 01:37:50PM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Can I add a small image to the Burial item event box or would this add it to every event box?

If you modify an individual event in a timeline and upload an image it will only affect that specific event - I do this all the time for burial events (usually a nice image of the cemetery, etc.)

Also I can't seem to change the link color text from #336699 to #444444 without it changing the logo and link text from the menu. I wish to change the background of the drop boxes on the menu to transparent as I am going with a light background.

Those classes should be found in the css/menu.css file - it doesn't look like that file has been registered with the core style system, so you'd have to tweak that CSS directly.

This is fantastic by the way! Have you thought of adding a page for a surname index?

Glad to see its working well, and thanks for the suggestion. Right now the search should give you matching surnames, but an "official" list is not a bad idea.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
25 posts
Thanks Brian

It took me awhile but I did find the menu.css to modify.

The small image I want to add to the burial event box I would like to show for every profile. Is this possible to do without adding it to every individual profile? I would like it to appear just in front of Burial but I can't find the source file to modify.

A surname index would be fantastical!!! =)
