Celebrity Template

9 years ago
185 posts
Hello i have found more errrors

timline news sharing not works

And the slide on the start site not works?

Can you check it out this
updated by @amwproductions: 10/21/16 03:11:13AM
9 years ago
917 posts
News sharing, what is that? What slide does Celebrity have?
9 years ago
865 posts
I assume he's referring to the slider settings in the skin settings.
9 years ago
185 posts
@nate on timline i can like and share all post.....only if i press on share notting shares from other users on my timline

Into the settings i found like on mogul template slides, how i can see this on celebrity template?
image.jpg  •  336KB

updated by @amwproductions: 07/05/16 05:29:01AM
9 years ago
917 posts
These issues have been fixed for the next release. Should be out later today.

9 years ago
185 posts
These issues have been fixed for the next release. Should be out later today.

great thx
9 years ago
185 posts
These issues have been fixed for the next release. Should be out later today.

hello now into the timeline works...

if i go on audio, soundcloud etc, into a profile and click on share me comes notthing to confirm and not shares the audio,soundcloud etc...?

Can you check it......

And how i chage into template settings that i go show followers, country etc? I have insert into profile_sidebar.tpl on celebrity and i have all misconfigured

updated by @amwproductions: 07/05/16 01:01:49PM
9 years ago
917 posts
Currently you can't share items from a detail page to the timeline. You should see the "Share This" icons when you click that button.

If you wan't to show more details, you'll have to do something custom. The items you want to show are not supported by default.
9 years ago
185 posts

I need help again!

I would create a site who users can see a country and genre filter like reverbnation

each the charts i cannot list "audio_file_stream_count" i not fond?
How i add into the site builder?
9 years ago
185 posts
And i found on timline this see image attach

Can you fix this
9 years ago
917 posts
I've seen something like this before. It's a problem with transparency and the mention css. I'll look into it.
9 years ago
185 posts
Hey @nate i have found on the footer that the other social not works i fill all data and if i click on fb or twitter me not links to these social? Give a look

And is this a problem to add into the celebrity timline a option to add a image or video like twitter?

I not would enable on the timline the editor...

This was great if you can modify

Best regards

9 years ago
185 posts
Hello and when i share a blog or event etc. on timline me did i have created? Ex. In image user hamarex has created and metal4ever shared and if i click on metal4ever shared m comes page not found
image.jpg  •  248KB

9 years ago
185 posts
I've seen something like this before. It's a problem with transparency and the mention css. I'll look into it.

Hello have you fixed ome error?
9 years ago
917 posts
This is fixed for the next release. You can edit profile.css.

#action_update {
    background: #111 none repeat scroll 0 0;
    border: medium none;
    border-radius: 0;
    color: #eee;
    font: 14px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    margin: 0 2px;
    min-height: 60px;
    padding: 5px;
    text-decoration: none;
    width: 98%;
9 years ago
185 posts
This is fixed for the next release. You can edit profile.css.
#action_update {
    background: #111 none repeat scroll 0 0;
    border: medium none;
    border-radius: 0;
    color: #eee;
    font: 14px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    margin: 0 2px;
    min-height: 60px;
    padding: 5px;
    text-decoration: none;
    width: 98%;

Thx Nate

Have you checked the footer settings i insert my social links and on the template if i click me not redrects?
9 years ago
2,800 posts

I see this too and we'll get a fix out for it.

For now, you can fix this by modifying your skins/n8Celebrity/footer.tpl, find this:

                    <li><a href="{$_conf.n8MSkinX_facebook_url}" class="social-facebook" target="_blank"></a></li>
                    <li><a href="{$_conf.n8MSkinX_twitter_url}" class="social-twitter" target="_blank"></a></li>
                    <li><a href="{$_conf.n8MSkinX_google_url}" class="social-google" target="_blank"></a></li>
                    <li><a href="{$_conf.n8MSkinX_linkedin_url}" class="social-linkedin" target="_blank"></a></li>
                    <li><a href="{$_conf.n8MSkinX_youtube_url}" class="social-youtube" target="_blank"></a></li>

and change it to this:

                    <li><a href="{$_conf.n8MSkinX_facebook_url}" class="social-facebook" target="_blank"></a></li>
                    <li><a href="{$_conf.n8Celebrity_twitter_url}" class="social-twitter" target="_blank"></a></li>
                    <li><a href="{$_conf.n8Celebrity_google_url}" class="social-google" target="_blank"></a></li>
                    <li><a href="{$_conf.n8Celebrity_linkedin_url}" class="social-linkedin" target="_blank"></a></li>
                    <li><a href="{$_conf.n8Celebrity_youtube_url}" class="social-youtube" target="_blank"></a></li>

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
917 posts
I see this too and we'll get a fix out for it.
For now, you can fix this by modifying your skins/n8Celebrity/footer.tpl, find this:
and change it to this:
Hope this helps!

I already fixed this and will post it shortly.
9 years ago
2,800 posts
Sorry Nate, just pushed the fix.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
185 posts
Sorry Nate, just pushed the fix.

Thx works
9 years ago
185 posts
Hello i see on ipad or mobile phone the intro video background not run?

Can you check this please
9 years ago
185 posts
Me comes error after update into activity log

jrCore_trigger_event: defined event listener function does not exist: n8Celebrity_profile_form_display_listener
9 years ago
185 posts
Hello problem on timeline

I share a blog from another user i see on my timline

User xy shared user xy blog
And bellow if i click on the shared blog etc. me comes not found
And i see that i have posted the blog?

See image
image.jpg  •  276KB

updated by @amwproductions: 07/21/16 04:29:24AM
