solved Logo size

9 years ago
25 posts
I created my own logo. I tried to change the size in header.tpl but everything I have tried the logo goes back to 48 x 48. Should I be changing this somewhere else as well?
updated by @mollycakes: 10/04/16 01:55:42PM
9 years ago
917 posts
Can you show us the code you're using?
updated by @nate: 07/04/16 03:21:58PM
9 years ago
25 posts
Skin is Genosis

a href="{$jamroom_url}">{jrCore_image image="logo.png" width="48" height="48" class="logo_img" alt="`$tree_name` - Genosis"

updated by @mollycakes: 07/04/16 03:27:38PM
9 years ago
917 posts
The code you posted calls for with of 48px.

wrap code you post like this so it has no issues.

Quote: [ code ] code here [ / code ]

remove the spaces.
updated by @nate: 07/04/16 03:30:34PM
9 years ago
25 posts
{* Logo *}
        {if jrCore_is_mobile_device()}
            <div style="display:table">
                <div style="display:table-row">
                    <div id="head-left">
                        {jrCore_image id="mmt" skin="jrGenosis" image="menu.png" width=32 height=32}
                    <div id="head-center">
                        <a href="{$jamroom_url}"><span id="tree-name">{$tree_name}</span></a>
                    <div id="head-right">
                        <a href="{$jamroom_url}">{jrCore_image image="logo.png" width=36 height=36 class="logo_img" alt="`$tree_name` - Genosis"}</a>
        <div id="main_logo">
            <div style="display:table">
                <div style="display:table-row">
                    <div id="main_logo_icon" style="display:table-cell">
                        <a href="{$jamroom_url}">{jrCore_image image="logo.png" width="48" height="48" class="logo_img" alt="`$tree_name` - Genosis"}</a>
                    <div id="main_logo_title" style="display:table-cell">
                        <a href="{$jamroom_url}">{jrGenosis_title title=$tree_name}</a>
        {jrCore_include template="header_menu_desktop.tpl"}
<div style="clear:both"></div>

updated by @mollycakes: 07/04/16 03:34:06PM
9 years ago
25 posts
Finally! So sorry!
9 years ago
917 posts
That's OK. We all had to learn bb code :-)

It looks like the last img call may be the one being shown, after the else statement. Unless you're viewing from a mobile device. That's currently set to 48px.
updated by @nate: 07/04/16 03:43:25PM
9 years ago
25 posts
That is line I changed but it went right back to 48 x 48.
9 years ago
25 posts
<div style="display:table">
                <div style="display:table-row">
                    <div id="main_logo_icon" style="display:table-cell">
                        <a href="{$jamroom_url}">{jrCore_image image="logo.png" width="300" height="226" class="logo_img" alt="`$tree_name` - Genosis"}</a>
                    <div i
9 years ago
917 posts
OK I'm gonna ask one of he other guys to chime in. I haven't worked with that skin much.
9 years ago
25 posts
Ok thank you!
9 years ago
917 posts
I posted a private ticket tho most of the guys have broken for dinner. Michael usually comes online in the evenings. He may be able to help you more.

It's usually something simple. So sometimes I just step away for a second and then come back and there it is in my face. :-)
9 years ago
10,149 posts
If you are making these modifications in the "Templates" tab of the ACP, make sure and CHECK the "active" checkbox next to the template, then save, then reset caches - that will make that template active.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
25 posts
Ok thank you I will go give that a shot.
9 years ago
25 posts
Perfect! Thank you! Slapping forehead for not remembering the active box!
