How to make Audio and Video Categories (genres) a link ?

9 years ago
328 posts
Hi Douglas,

I have been trying to make Audio and Video Categories (genres) a link using the solution that you posted here:

I've changed:

<a href="{$jamroom_url}/search_area=audio_genre/search_string={$item.audio_genre}">{$item.audio_genre}</a>

but it doesn't work. Maybe because it was for an old version of JR or an old template version. (maybe)

How to make Audio and Video Categories (genres) a link on the audio and video item detail page, the main Audio and video page and on the search result page ?


updated by @pch: 10/05/16 10:49:24AM
9 years ago
2,804 posts
Which skin is this for?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
328 posts
Sorry, I forgot to mention it. I am using Elastic (clone).
9 years ago
2,804 posts
Sorry, I forgot to mention it. I am using Elastic (clone).

Elastic is not setup with a custom audio or video page, it uses the modules templates instead, you'll need custom templates created for audio and video in order to make the genre links work.

You might check out one of the other skins to see how its done and use that as guide to build your own custom audio and video templates for the Elastic skin.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
328 posts
Elastic is not setup with a custom audio or video page, it uses the modules templates instead, you'll need custom templates created for audio and video in order to make the genre links work.

Hi Douglas,

Thanks for your reply.

Well, how come does the album link work in Elastic Skin? Isn't the Album using the module template as well? Can't the same be applied to genre/category too?

I have checked the item_detail.tpl and found this code:
<h3>{jrCore_lang module="jrAudio" id="31" default="album"}: <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/albums/{$item.audio_album_url}">{$item.audio_album}</a></h3><br>

What do you advise? Thanks
9 years ago
2,804 posts
The jrAudio module templates has an album link because you can upload songs by albums and are listed on the profiles album page.

Elastic was made to be simple and for developers to expand to fit their needs. It wasn't really setup for a full blown music site.

Have you tried any of the other skins?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
865 posts
Album links work because the Audio module has an item_albums template which can be called on.

You will need to create a few new templates in your skin directory. For instance with Mediapro I used search areas in the template which Douglas had set up in other areas to help me filter by genre. In the left hand column of the page I have a block which gets populated with the genre links.

updated by @garymoncrieff: 07/01/16 02:28:44PM
9 years ago
328 posts
The jrAudio module templates has an album link because you can upload songs by albums and are listed on the profiles album page.
Elastic was made to be simple and for developers to expand to fit their needs. It wasn't really setup for a full blown music site.
Have you tried any of the other skins?

Thanks Douglas,

I own a ProJam license and I have tried it, back then in JR4. The template is good but it is music-oriented. So I had thought time to customize and make it more generic. We are not a music-oriented site. Elastic is more generic and it seems to suit our needs.

If I copy the code from the following ProJam templates:


and paste it in custom template files (audio.tpl, audio_chart_genres.tpl, audio_chart_genres_row.tpl, audio_chart_row.tpl etc) will it work in Elastic skin?

I also need to order audio and video files by play, ratings, Year, Monthly etc.

I will use these URLs in the top menu.

9 years ago
328 posts
Album links work because the Audio module has an item_albums template which can be called on.
You will need to create a few new templates in your skin directory. For instance with Mediapro I used search areas in the template which Douglas had set up in other areas to help me filter by genre. In the left hand column of the page I have a block which gets populated with the genre links.

Hi Gary

Thanks a lot. You have highlighted me. I didn't notice that item_album template.

So creating templates like:


will it work?

Please give me the urls of Douglas's posts you are referring to.

9 years ago
865 posts
You can use elements from other templates for sure but just remember simply copying and pasting will not fully work out of the box but it does provide a good starting point. If you look at the music template in projam you will see what I meant about search areas defined in the template.

For instance the will be instances where projam skin name is defined in the templates and you will need to exchange that for your skin name. Language skins will be out of whack too as each skin uses different ID's for their language strings.

This is what it looks like after copying the appropriate templates in Elastic.
projraminelastic.jpg  •  158KB
