Troubleshooting Payments

9 years ago
1,022 posts
Curious how the best way to handle this situation?

1. Artist makes a stripe payment for a subscription (monthly)
2. The following month the payment fails
3. I think the sub canceled but the payment was resubmitted 4 days later and paid
4. Artist Page does not reflect new subscription

So the problem here is that I can manually change the profile but then there is no subscription tied to the account. So at the end of the month, we are in the same boat.

Is there a better way then canceling and restarting?
updated by @dazed: 09/23/16 10:31:25AM
9 years ago
7,768 posts
When the payment fails the subscription will cancel returning the artist to the end-of-subscription quota.

They'll need to re-subscribe.
9 years ago
1,022 posts
Yeah I do not think this works the same with Stripe. There were two failed payments over a span of 2-3 days and then it went through on day 5. So now the payment is received but the quota is not updated and we are out of sync. Next month the stripe payment should renew but the quota will end based on the date I put in.

I am wondering if we need to move the quota to a suspend mode pending payment and give it "x" number of days before it cancels. This way if the resubmit from paypal or stripe comes in, the subscription is intact.