solved Changes through the Template editor not showing on the site

9 years ago
328 posts

Using the template editor, I am working on a skin that I've cloned. Why aren't the changes in the editor showing on the site???? I have been trying to edit the header.tpl for hours now. Nothing happens.

The Template editor just saves the file fine. I clear JR cache and check integrity, even clear my Browser cache, still the changes made in the skin does show on the site. What is wrong?

Also, what is the difference between editing a skin template through the built-in template editor and editing it via ftp using an external Dev software (Dreamweaver for example), then overwrite the file on the server using a ftp client (example: filezilla)? What are the Pros and the cons?

The built-in template editor is really uncomfortable to work with.

Last question: I have cloned the Elastic Skin. What about if the Elastic skin gets updated through the Marketplace, will my cloned skin also get update? Will i loose my modifications?


updated by @pch: 09/29/16 10:33:27AM
9 years ago
2,800 posts
After making changes, go back to the template list and check the make active checkbox and save, you may need to reset your cache as well.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
328 posts
After making changes, go back to the template list and check the make active checkbox and save, you may need to reset your cache as well.
Hope this helps!

Hi Douglas

It works. Thanks a lot. Sorry I completely forgot about that small detail. I was checking the "Set As Active Skin" checkbox in the "Skins" tab instead of the "make active" checkbox in the "Template" tab. Maybe I need more cups of coffee. :)

Also, you forgot to answer the two remaining questions in my first post. Please advise.

updated by @pch: 06/15/16 12:27:34PM
9 years ago
514 posts
Turn on the developer mode in Developer > Developer Tools > Global Config > Run In Developer Mode

If you want to make all kinds of modifications I highly recommend a program like phpstorm with a version control system activated.

There are a lot of great videos, grab a coffee and watch them or just watch the ones that apply to what you want to do.
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Only the native skins would get updated, so your clone skin(s) are safe. That is the idea behind cloning them.
When using the template editor, changes are saved on the database and not in the template file. That is why you then have to enable the edited file. Disable it to revert to the original file. This also means that you can compare the original and edited versions using the tool alongside each template. Again, using this method, updates to the original templates will not affect your changes.
Note that if you clone a skin with templates edited via the ACP, those changes will go into the cloned skin so that you could 'stage' your skin development doing this, and revert to a previously cloned skin if things go wrong.
Yes, the ACP editor is a bit clunky compared to other more featured ones, but you have the choice of what to use.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
7,788 posts
pch:.....Also, you forgot to answer the two remaining questions in my first post. Please advise.
Better to put one question per thread so others searching later can easily identify what the thread is about.

Once that thread is marked 'solved' they know they will find the answer to their question there.

Thanks. :)
9 years ago
328 posts
Turn on the developer mode in Developer > Developer Tools > Global Config > Run In Developer Mode
If you want to make all kinds of modifications I highly recommend a program like phpstorm with a version control system activated.
There are a lot of great videos, grab a coffee and watch them or just watch the ones that apply to what you want to do.

Hi Jimmy

Thanks for your reply. Great tips on running in Developer Mode and editing module templates. I have been using Dreamweaver to edit my files. Maybe I should give phpstorm a try.

Nice video resources. JR team has done a great work.

9 years ago
328 posts
Only the native skins would get updated, so your clone skin(s) are safe. That is the idea behind cloning them.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply. That idea is awesome. But what if there are critical updates done on the native skin, the clone skin will remain vulnerable, right?

In case of updates, should we need to compare the new updated skin file (native skin file) with the clone skin, then manually apply the update to the clone skin in order to do not loose the modification done in the clone skin? Please clarify.

Also what about skin files edited outside JR then uploaded to the server through ftp, will JR pick up the change and save it to the database after running the integrity check as it does when creating language strings?

9 years ago
328 posts
Better to put one question per thread so others searching later can easily identify what the thread is about.
Once that thread is marked 'solved' they know they will find the answer to their question there.

Hi Michael,

Thanks a lot. You are right. Sorry about that. Sometimes there are related questions that come to mind when writing and we end up posting them in the same topic. Next time I will pay more attention.

9 years ago
2,800 posts
In case of updates, should we need to compare the new updated skin file (native skin file) with the clone skin, then manually apply the update to the clone skin in order to do not loose the modification done in the clone skin? Please clarify.

There is a compare tool in your ACP > Skins > YOURSKIN > Templates section, you can use if there are updates to a "native" skin that you would like to add to your custom skin.

Also what about skin files edited outside JR then uploaded to the server through ftp, will JR pick up the change and save it to the database after running the integrity check as it does when creating language strings?

No, modifying a template to "native" skins and uploading them via FTP will not be saved to the database, the only time template changes are saved to the database is when you modify them via the template editor in your ACP.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
328 posts
There is a compare tool in your ACP > Skins > YOURSKIN > Templates section, you can use if there are updates to a "native" skin that you would like to add to your custom skin.

Thanks Douglas for explaining things. So if I understand well, JR uses both native and clone skin in order to work, right? It takes into consideration both files, so there is no need to keep on comparing files whenever you (the JR Team) roll out a template update, right?

9 years ago
2,800 posts
That depends on if you want whats new/updated/changed in the default skin in your custom skin. Not all updates are critical updates.

Note that your custom/cloned skin will never get changed by an update, since we don't have the custom/cloned skin, we can't make any changes to it. The only changes we make are to default skins.

However, any modifications made via the template editor, ACP > Skins > YourSkin > Templates > Modify, will not be overwritten by an update since those changes are saved in your database.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
328 posts
Thanks a lot Douglas, I've understood it very well now. Great support.

9 years ago
2,800 posts
Your welcome! :)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
