solved Video Display Problem

9 years ago
1,353 posts
When I upload a video to my site using jrVideo the resulting video output is a black player with controls visible and displayed properly

However when I embed that video in a post/article on the site I am getting a gray player with the controls only visible on mouseover and what seems to be worse is that part of the video when displayed in the gray player is cut off at the bottom

Is there a setting that will sync these 2 so that they both display the black player with the proper dimensions?

I will add a screenshot with images of each player

What i am after is this...I want the video that is displayed when using the EMBED VIDEO code
[jrEmbed module="jrVideo" id="44"]
to be the exact same as the video on the page where it is originally uploaded

Thank you

Also if you go to the page where the video is embeded you will see a strange gray bar at the top of the video
updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
9 years ago
2,800 posts
There is an update to the embed module, make sure our using the latest version.

Also, try resetting your cache and see if that fixes it.

I'm not seeing an issue on my end.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Douglas...
I tried the update to the embed module but it broke the editor-pls see this post

I have reset the caches still have the issue- cant update because the embed field is blank in the editor after installing the update
9 years ago
7,784 posts
Both those videos are playing right now, guessing its because you reverted the module. What were you seeing?

Got it, the player is cutting off the bottom for one of them. checking it out. thanks.

--edit edit--
Think its because the gray player hovers over the video. While your mouse is over the video the controls show, when you move the mouse off of the video those controls should fade away so just the video is playing. If they dont go away, try clicking in some blank space off the video, the play controls should go away.

I'll look into why your seeing different players with the same code, that shouldn't happen.
updated by @michael: 05/23/16 07:52:56PM
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks- thats the issue-both players should be the black player...
Concerning reverting to the previous version...I did that a couple days ago moments after updating because after updating I could not embed an image into a news i reverted and it worked fine again so i am staying with that version until that bug/issue is resolved.
Thanks again
9 years ago
865 posts
I can see this behaviour too, but only if I change to the black player in skin settings. I kinda prefer the grey one however so not a major concern for me. I am using a heavily modified mediapro skin which is based on v1.46, when I switch skin to latest version all works as expected. So I expect this has something to do with your custom skin.
9 years ago
865 posts
I seemed to have fixed this in my skin, not sure how, was messing with config file adding new options, and then the required integrity checks and now it's fine.
9 years ago
7,784 posts
not able to reproduce. When I set the skin to elastic, both the profile video player and the embeded-in-a-blog video player are black. When I set the skin to sage, both players change to be the grey one.
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Still doing it here....I updated the above thread with a screenshot which should better explain
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Updated the editor embed module successfully now...still having issue with this gray player
If I totally delete the gray player template would that force the use of the black player?
9 years ago
2,800 posts
I've got this fixed for you.

The issue was you have a custom jrVideo_item_detail.tpl in your custom skin that was overriding the modules template, which has the code for the different players.

To fix it, I just changed your custom skins include.php file to use the gray_overlay player instead of the dark player by default since you stated you just wanted to use that player.

If you want me to modify your custom jrVideo_item_detail.tpl to use the player selected from the skin settings, let me know and I'll update it for you.



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
2,800 posts
I went ahead and fixed your jrVideo_item_detail.tpl, selecting a player from the skin settings will work on your players now.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Douglas- that fixed it!
I appreciate the help AGAIN!
9 years ago
2,800 posts
Your welcome! :)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
