solved RSS Feeds Not Updating

9 years ago
1,353 posts
I noticed a few weeks ago that the feed aggregator that I use to display feeds has not been updating- I am having to update them manually. For weeks I have thought the issue was with the 3rd party paid service I was using. Then today I ran feeds from my site through a feed validator at

The feeds return an error ( attached)
I have not been editing anything in RSS feed templates and its been working fine for a year...but not now
Also feeds off pages like /photos and /videos do not work- they return an error message on the site that the module is not active ( which it is)
rss.JPG.jpg  •  136KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
9 years ago
1,353 posts
From what i can google
"the reason you are getting this error is you have extra white spaces somewhere in you plugin's PHP files. to resolve this remove any spaces before  in starting of the plugin file and after ?>."

Also this...

Wondering if this is a bug that needs fixing?
updated by @derrickhand300: 04/29/16 12:03:02PM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
9 years ago
926 posts
I'm also getting errors on several of my feeds, including the main activity timeline.


Ken Rich
9 years ago
7,791 posts
This is the code in the RSS feed
<!-- BEGIN xxOilfieldNews/item_rss.tpl -->
<?xml version="2.0"?>
<rss version="2.0">
       <lastBuildDate>Sat, 30 Apr 2016 02:06:24 CST</lastBuildDate>

The problem is that first line
<!-- BEGIN xxOilfieldNews/item_rss.tpl -->

Its not valid XML code. Its been put there because you have the developer tools setting "template name in source" turned on.

ACP -> MODULES -> DEVELOPER -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> GLOBAL CONFIG -> template name in source

uncheck that and it will start working again.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
9 years ago
926 posts
My issue appears to be different, and that was found unchecked. I think I'll open a support ticket.

I get things like:

"error on line 219 at column 115: xmlParseEntityRef: no name" at

"error on line 163 at column 37: xmlParseEntityRef: no name" at

"error on line 21 at column 47: Entity 'middot' not defined" at


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 04/30/16 04:40:16AM
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Michael..
I just checked...i was not running in developer mode... but I did have "show template in source" checked..
I unchecked that then did an integrity check and the feed still does not validate...getting a page full of errors now ( but before doing this i installed the RSS Update from the marketplace..) I will try to roll it back and see what happens
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Ok I rolled back my RSS version to the previous version...developer tools stuff is off--name template in source is off...still getting a ton of error messages when trying to validate both my blog feed and my news feed

To see the errors im seeing you can validate the feeds again here
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Still working on is the latest error I get when validating a feed ( with show template in source shut off)
This feed does not validate.

line 11, column 16: Unexpected type attribute on description element (25 occurrences) [help]

                <description type='string'><![CDATA[
line 30, column 35: pubDate must be an RFC-822 date-time: 1462082400 (25 occurrences) [help]


updated by @derrickhand300: 05/01/16 05:49:36PM
9 years ago
2,800 posts
I see feeds without issues on both of your links...

Are you still having an issue with this?



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Yes they are there- they just will not update
When I run each through a feed validator I get the errors that the feed does not validate
9 years ago
2,800 posts
This should be fixed for the next release.



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
