New module with Aparna

9 years ago
57 posts

When we created a new module with Aparna, the default directory is xxModuleName.

Is it possible to change the first 2 characters as in versions prior Jamroom ?


updated by @black-eagle: 08/16/16 10:49:30AM
9 years ago
865 posts
AFAIK no, the xx are to be unique and are used by the marketplace if you're selling the module I believe.
updated by @garymoncrieff: 04/15/16 09:11:18AM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
The issue is this:
The package_module system is setup to only allow you to package your own modules. In the case of users who are packaging their modules for the marketplace, they have a developer id registered at and all their modules are prefixed with their prefix.

jr = The Jamroom Network
uj = Ultrajam
n8 = Nate Flex

Aparna always asked for a prefix to be added, but didn't enforce it, so some modules were created without it. Leaving modules that should have been called 'xxSomething' being titled just 'Something' which made the actual module name: soMething and the title of that module become Mething. (Which is weird)

What's the thought pattern behind not wanting to use xx as the module prefix?

Modules with the xx prefix can be exported by anyone, even those that do not have a developers account at The package_module system allows the Form Designer fields to be exported along with the module.

So the idea is that you can export xx(Modules) over to other sites you own and not have to setup any extra Form Designer fields when the module arrives.
updated by @michael: 04/16/16 12:02:40AM
9 years ago
57 posts
Hello Gary & Michael.

I did not know that the prefix used for the modules in the marketplace.

I noticed that the order modules in the profile menu is based on the directory name, this is why I wanted to change the prefix.

I did a test this morning by modifying the database fields and the directory name in aaModule. My module entry appears first in the profile menu. That's what I wanted.

But perhaps there is another way to change the order of modules in the profile menu?

updated by @black-eagle: 04/16/16 01:56:40AM
9 years ago
865 posts
You can manually create the profile menu. I can't recall how of the top of my head however. I believe there is a profile_menu template that you edit.

Sorry I can't be more specific but I haven't done any work on my site in over 6 months.
9 years ago
7,799 posts
The profile menu is controlled by this function in the templates:

Docs: "Profile Menu"

Which is defined by this function in php if you want to go look at whats happening:

So you'll have something like this in your skins profile_header.tpl:
{jrProfile_menu template="profile_menu.tpl" profile_quota_id=$profile_quota_id profile_url=$profile_url order="jrFAQ,jrGallery,jrBlog"}
9 years ago
600 posts
We are using aparna on our website and have created aparna modules with the first 2 characters as pr instead of jr. Works fine. We only did that as we can find them easy. Works great eg prModuleName
see image

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updated by @madc: 05/13/16 05:54:41AM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
good call. dont use jr as its for 'the jamroom network' modules.
9 years ago
223 posts
hello @michael

sorry for posting here, but my question is related to aparna

can you show me how to pack or transfer aparna custom module to a live server, right now we are working in our development server, but i cant find the option how to do it.
please check the link bellow, the post now is close so i can update or reply to it.

thank you.
9 years ago
7,799 posts
post is unlocked again now.

As long as the prefix of the module is xxSomething then it will be available in the PACKAGE MODULE tool for export. If the module has fields made with the Form Designer, then check the checkbox that reads "export form fields" when you export it, then install it into wherever you like.

If the module is prefixed with anything other than xx then you will need a developers account here on jamroom to unlock the Package Module system.

If it is prefixed with something other than xx and you want to put it to your production server, copy the files to the production and go and get the SQL for the Form Designer fields from the database and run them on the production.

You will find the custom form fields in the jr_jrcore_form table and the 'module' column is the module they belong to.
