When we do that, like for example what's on the image, we get in the timeline of that profile all the info that is being followed by the profile owner.
I search on the code in jrAction > item_index.tpl and i see this:
{if jrUser_is_linked_to_profile($_profile_id)}
{*{if jrProfile_is_profile_owner($_profile_id)}*}
{jrCore_list module="jrAction" profile_id=$_profile_id include_followed=true order_by="_item_id desc" pagebreak="12" page=$page_num pager=true no_cache=true}
{jrCore_list module="jrAction" profile_id=$_profile_id order_by="_item_id desc" pagebreak="12" page=$page_num pager=true}
So it seems that this is working as intended.
I shall only use the line after the else right?
I'm getting confused by these profiles attached to a unique user.
Thanks for the help.
updated by @nmaster88: 07/03/16 01:05:30AM