solved Using Site Builder To Create A forum

Developer Networks
Developer Networks
9 years ago
566 posts
I was helping someone create a forum for their site. They are using the site builder.

I created options for forum_featured which allows the administrators to select which forums will be featured. (Featured, News, Info)

I then seperated them with a comma list (I included a picture).

however for whatever reason its returning a blank item with no title or URL in the list. I am unable to click on this item and I went to the forum that the user that posted from and it only has the one title "Truth or Dare"

Is this a bug or do I need to add something to my search? Thanks.
forum1.jpg  •  17KB

forum3.jpg  •  33KB

forum2.jpg  •  54KB

updated by @developer-networks: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
9 years ago
7,790 posts
your search query should return a list of whatever module you have selected (cant tell from screenshots) and show 20 of that modules items from the datastore.

its limited to 100 total and only going to show 20 per page. Its grouped by the time the item was created.

put a {debug} in and see whats in your list. It being a forum, you might have one post and 99 responses to the post, causing you to not see what you expect to see. what do you expect to see?
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
9 years ago
566 posts
I expected a list of forums with titles and urls.

The problem is the list that is returning with no name or URL.

If I go to the forum where this item owner is there is nothing there to delete.

Im not sure where they are coming from if they are not even forum topics in the first place???
updated by @developer-networks: 03/21/16 07:23:13AM
9 years ago
7,790 posts
here's a screenshot of the forum datastores items. You can see that some items do have a forum_cat and a forum_title and others do not. the ones that do have those fields are the forum holders and the other ones are just forum posts.

Seams like if you're wanting ones that do have a title, then add that as a search option.

So for the second one try:
forum_title_url CONTAINS %

That will look for a title url that is set and contains more than nothing.
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
9 years ago
566 posts
Thanks that fixed the issue.
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
9 years ago
566 posts
thank you so much!
