solved add content depending on the url

9 years ago
94 posts
I'm trying to add some code to my header.tpl and footer.tpl depending on the page i'm in.

The code to do that is something like this:
{jrCore_module_url module="jrProfile" assign="murl"}
{if $current_url==$jamroom_url+"/"+$murl+"/settings/profile_id="+$_user.profile_id}
for the footer i do the same, but it's not working!

If i had a static url, like this:
{if $current_url==""}
It works.

Am i doing something wrong?

updated by @nmaster88: 06/20/16 06:01:26PM
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Do the smarty concatenation in the URL like this -

{if $current_url == "`$jamroom_url`/`$murl`/settings/profile_id=`$_user.profile_id`"}

Note the use of the back-tics.


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist

updated by @paul: 03/18/16 06:09:59AM
9 years ago
94 posts
Doing that it works well on that case,
but i have another code i need to test if it's on a specific url and it's not working, this is the code:
<ul id="modulechoice" class="nav nav-tabs nav-white">
    {if isset($_items)}
        {foreach from=$_items key="module" item="entry"}

                {if $current_url=="`$jamroom_url`/`$_user.profile_url`/`$entry.module_url`"}
                    {if $current_url|@strstr:$entry.label ==true}
                        <li  class="active" id="{$entry.label}" >
                        <li  class="" id="{$entry.label}" >
                {elseif $current_url=="`$jamroom_url`/`$_user.profile_url`"}
                    {if $entry@first}
                        <li  class="active" id="{$entry.label}" >
                        <li  class="" id="{$entry.label}" >
                <a href="#{$entry.label}" data-toggle="tab" style="text-transform: capitalize;">{$entry.label}</a>

If i put a specific case like this:
{elseif $current_url==""}
and go to that artist page it works.
updated by @nmaster88: 03/18/16 01:47:47PM
9 years ago
7,772 posts
if you want to use the same string over and over, assign it to a variable

{if $current_url=="`$jamroom_url`/`$_user.profile_url`/`$entry.module_url`"}
is the same as this:
{$new_url = "`$jamroom_url`/`$_user.profile_url`/`$entry.module_url`"}
{if $current_url == $new_url}

Then you can output {$new_url} just to check what it is:
new_url is: {$new_url}
current_url is: {$current_url}

helps to see if they are as you expect them to be.
9 years ago
94 posts
What happened is that for different templates sometimes the smarty variables are not the same.
I had to use another ones.

Thanks both for the help!
