still cant use sitebuilder buttns missing etc

9 years ago
3,304 posts
when i switch to sitebuilder new version, i get 2 "ghost" menu items, theres 2 menu buttons with nothing in them, 1 on either side of home
next issue, theres no site builder buttons to edit the pages
next, the everything in a container thing causes weird issues with styling i might be able to work my way around that but its kinda weird now
i wish it was like the old 1 where you can choose to add a tab container and put diferent widgets inside it instead of being forced to put widgets inside containers

the biggest issue by far is the lack of any edit buttons
in the past i even went to non existing pages it asked me if i want to create it and if i did it still wouldnt let me edit it even though it took me into edit mode

i think someone might need to take a look into why this is happening

theres 2 changes i made to index.tpl and they were just adding a class name to an existing item (blog_index_text)

im still stuck using ningja 1.1.14 i think it is 1.1.18 is all set up ready to go just cant get site builder to work right

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
9 years ago
7,793 posts
There are still tab containers.

* Open site builder
* click on 'Container Settings' in the bottom right of the container.
* change "container layout" from the default of
- "Stacked - widget output is stacked vertically inside the container" TO
- "Tabbed - each widget is located on its own tab inside the container"
9 years ago
3,304 posts
i cant open site builder
and thats my point .. the widgets are loaded inside the container ...old site builder they werent unless you added a tab cotaner now your forced to put the widgets inside a container so everythings double styled because instead of the widget justt beig in its ow space it has to be inside the container stacked or tabbed
i dont like that its forcing you to put it inside a container unless you want stacked or tabed

but either way i cant access the sitevbuilder at all

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
9 years ago
7,793 posts
The containers are no different, widgets always went into a container. I'm not understanding why you cant access sitebuilder at all.

Do you mean the buttons are not showing on your skin? Do they show on default skins?
9 years ago
3,304 posts
They do not, thy do on other test sites but not main site
and i get those 2 weird empty menu items
i think this is an issue you might need to look at hands on
and no, before when you put in a widget it was in its own empty space, theres now a new nontaining div wich makes everything double styled like as an example if you look at the activity feed now you see how its styled? in new sitebuilder the activity feeds styled like that but inside another container thats styled the same wayy

so everythings a mess
best example if you look at the front page where the h1 tag is, its got no containing item styling or actually item 1st of type
i think
whatebver has the rounded bottoms but no roundingt on top
but in new site builder that h1 tag does have that styling wich it shouldnt
because its forced tobe in a container when the old version didnt force you to put everything in a container

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
9 years ago
7,793 posts
There is only a .container class on the full page as far as I can see (screenshot).

not on each individual widget. make sure you have the newest version of Sitebuilder installed.

If its all screwed up, probably the easiest way is to start a new skin based off of a current version then copy the wanted bits over to it on a dev site to get back in sync.

updated by @michael: 03/11/16 05:18:48PM
9 years ago
3,304 posts
i dont mean a container class i mean a extra containing div
the container the widgets go on and the widgets themselves have the same class i think item that makes it redundant and doubles up the styling like i saifd yoir forced to put a widdget inside a container ...the old 1 thered be no extra containing itemno doubled up styling
and it does the same thing on the default skin, and on the unmodified ningja skin

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
