Module Image Replacement In ACP

12 years ago
600 posts
This isn't working on my site.

Nova Skin

I am trying to override the jrAudio Button Images under Audio Support/Images
I have uploaded 4 images to override the Buttons

button_player_pause_new.png - 72 x 69
button_player_pause_hover_new.png - 72 x 69
button_player_play_new.png - 72 x 69
button_player_play_hover_new.png - 72 x 69

I have set them to Active
I have cleared all caches and Ran an integrity check after they failed to show.
The images aren't changing at all on the site.

Could it be the size as the old ones are 32x32.
I have tried this in the core images as well and they do not show either.

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updated by @madc: 01/21/14 02:32:52AM
12 years ago
7,791 posts
Check that the skin doesn't have any images that are over-riding the buttons too.

I've added this to the tracker list:
updated by @michael: 12/21/13 12:54:50AM
12 years ago
600 posts
Thanks @michael but the skin img directory only has the small buttons
the ones I am trying to override are at modules/jrAudio/img/button_player_play.png etc

EDIT: Didn't realise that the skin images override the module images if named exactly the same
So I put them all in my skin image directory names exact as what they are and they showed.

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updated by @madc: 12/21/13 01:45:39AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
Thanks for opening the tracker on this Michael - this is a similar issue to the favicon.ico setup - the image is not displayed via a template so it can't go through JR's jrCore_image function (which is what can show an overrided image uploaded via the "image" tab of a module/skin). For the player it is pulled in via CSS, so the URLs in the CSS file point directly to the image, and thus won't show a replacement.

I'll get something in to handle this properly for Core 5.1.7.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
