Phpstorm help for Jamroom

9 years ago
94 posts
As i've seen in a video,
i believe i've seen help documentation in phpstorm for jamroom.
What i mean is, for exemple, i click on a function of jamroom in phpstorm and i can have access to documentation for it.
How can i config that?

updated by @nmaster88: 05/24/16 07:25:22PM
9 years ago
7,772 posts

Hover over any function, not just jamrooms, and hit ctrl+q and it will show the doc-block for that function.

Works with normal php functions too.
9 years ago
94 posts
Yes it works, but not for jamroom function i think i'm missing something.
9 years ago
7,772 posts
yep, your missing an explanation for me on how to checkout what your seeing, thats forcing me to make random guesses :)

Make sure your PhpStorm is in sync with whatever you have on your server.

you can ctrl+click to go to the function in the file where its defined and read the doc-block from there. If there is no doc-block then obviously it wont show.

I'm assuming you are talking about in .php files, not smarty files because it wont work there.

also checkout the:

There is guaranteed to be stuff in there that you're not using. I've been using it since version 1.0 and there's still stuff I find that is new and exciting. Great piece of software.
9 years ago
94 posts
Lol @michael, ok i'll try to be more explicit.

i was talking about functions like "jrCore_media_player" because i think i've seen on a video documentation for a function like that using phpstorm, if i click on things like a div, class, etc it always show doc.

Also thanks for the tip.
9 years ago
7,772 posts
got it, yeah, jrCore_media_player is a smarty function, phpstorm doesnt show help for these, just for php functions.

Here are a few key patterns I use all the time:
ctrl+shift+alt+n = locate a function by name.

so if you put jrCore_media_player in there, it would bring up smarty_function_jrCore_media_player() which is where that function is defined and you could see how it works.

ctrl+shift+n = locate a file by name.
Useful if you know you want to go somewhere like the jrAudio/item_detail.tpl page It has partial complete so 'audio/item_detail' will get you to the same location.

alt+shift+l = prettify my code
Not related in this situation, but damned useful to make all your code look pretty.
