solved How do I put up a gallery of pics on my profile...

9 years ago
31 posts
& also how do I size the pics and watermark them. I searched the forum for watermark and didn't come up with anything.

I have the image gallery module installed, is there a setting in there? I don't see a tab pop up on the profile like I do for blogs, pages, etc.

Sure it's something simple. Lots to learn. Thanks in advance.
updated by @oxotic: 05/20/16 08:08:07PM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
You can watermark images in Core -> Image Core -> Quota Config tab.

You will see the "Galleries" menu item in your profile menu once it has been enabled in your quotas.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
31 posts
Thanks Brian, that's what I needed. I'm still trying to post a gallery of images.
9 years ago
31 posts
Got it.
