solved keep existing Flashback menu URL's AND use the Site Builder Menu system

9 years ago
44 posts

Before explaining our first issue we have experienced regarding jamroom 5 on our domains at And that we are on able to fix, I have had my old jamroom 3 running for a while now at my domain and over the last couple of months i have been editing the site so that it will no longer be showing the links to the signup and the log in areas and plus not showing anymore the blogs user profiles and artists profiles plus a lot more areas we have decided to no longer make available to the public at my old jamroom 3 that is still running at my domain .

The main reason why we have done this, It's because we knew eventually down the line we were going to get and upgrade to jamroom 5 but we decided we were not going to put the jamroom 5 on our existing domain at but to put it instead on 2 new domains that we buy, One being at And the other being at .

We knew that the move to jamroom 5 would be far better and would have more to offer compared to our old jamroom 3, So over the last couple of months before we got jamroom 5, We tock it upon ourselves to learn as much as we can about jamroom 5 from the jamroom website documentations and the jamroom forums.

Just over a week and a half ago, We install the jamroom 5 on our domains at And at and we have put bote sites in maintenance mode while we carry out the work over the next coming months.

We have had some issues with jamroom 5 but we have managed to resolve and fix ourselves but we come across one issue yesterday that we are on able to fix, So we have come on here to ask for help to fix the issue.

About a week ago we purchase the license for the Flashback Skin 1.3.5 because as we have always like the Flashback Skin and was the Skin we use on our jamroom 3 at my domain .

Everything was fine until yesterday when we go to update the Flashback Skin from version 1.3.5 To 1.4.1 and it was while we were updating the Flashback Skin that the issue happened and we were on able to see the problem it had caused until afterwards.

Please have a look at the 2 attachments photos that we have included in this post where we have highlighted the issue.

As you will see from the 2 attachments photos, We no longer have showing on the drop down bar menu after doing the update to version 1.4.1 from 1.3.5 Four example, Events/Galleries/Artists/Cmmunits/List and so on.

We now only have 2 menus showing on the drop down bar menu and as you can see from the 2 attachments photos, All the reat have just disappeared ?.

We would very much appreciate if you could look into this for us to see if you can resolve the issue.

Thank You.
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updated by @supportteambillyukco: 05/30/16 03:01:57AM
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
9 years ago
566 posts
It was hard to follow your question... Try to simplify the problem please.

Was your version of 1.3.5 stock or modified?

Did you try an Integrity Check and delete cache?

I apologize in advance but I haven't worked much with the Flashback skin and haven't experienced the second drop down menu your describing.
9 years ago
44 posts

I have included a 3rd attachment photo for you to look at, That will show you what the Flashback Skin should look like with all the drop down bar menu items in place and what it was like before i done the update from version 1.3.5 To 1.4.1 yesterday and if you compare this photo to the other 2 attachment photos i post on here you will see the difference.

Yes, I done the integrity check and delete cache after the updates and the issue was still there after doing all that.

Can you in lighten me a bit more on you question 'Was your version of 1.3.5 stock or modified?' ? I am not quite understanding what this means ? .

I think the my answer to you question would be the version is of 1.3.5 stock, Because i know we have not modified the Flashback Skin.

Thank You.
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updated by @supportteambillyukco: 02/20/16 09:35:20AM
9 years ago
2,800 posts
Are you using the Site Builder module?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
44 posts
Are you using the Site Builder module?

Hi douglas:

Thank you for your reply to this post.

Yes, We are using the Site Builder Module and is active and it was running and active when we done the update from Flashback Skin version 1.3.5 To 1.4.1 yesterday. Plus, We have not used or done any work on the site yet using the Site Builder Module since it's been active.

Thanks Douglas.
updated by @supportteambillyukco: 02/20/16 11:44:47AM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Disable the Site Builder module - what you see is the Site Builder module menu overriding the skin menu.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
44 posts
Disable the Site Builder module - what you see is the Site Builder module menu overriding the skin menu.

Hope this helps!

Hello Brian:

Thank you for your reply to this post Brian.

I just done what you said brian and disable the Site Builder Module by unclicking the 'show site builder button' and done the integrity check and reset cache but sadly this has not fixed the issue and it's still the same.

The below information may help Brian that i had not mentioned before in the post regarding what happened after i done the update from Flashback Skin version 1.3.5 To 1.4.1 yesterday.

When i click the update link to update from Flashback Skin version 1.3.5 To 1.4.1 yesterday, After the update was done, It refresh and reload the page back to a standard web site page with a white backround colour and all the links on the page were all on the left of the page and had not load the Flashback Skin.

I had to first use the reset cache link on the left of the page to reset cache and after i done that it still stayed on the standard web site page with a white backround colour and it still had not load the Flashback Skin, So i click on the integrity check link to do the integrity check and it was only after the integrity check was done that the Flashback Skin showed.

It was only after all the above said was done, That i noticed the issue regarding the Flashback Skin.

Hope the above InFo will help Brian.

Thank You Brian.
9 years ago
10,149 posts
You need to actually DISABLE the site builder module - not just hide the button. Click on the "info" tab for Site Builder in your ACP and disable the module.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
44 posts
You need to actually DISABLE the site builder module - not just hide the button. Click on the "info" tab for Site Builder in your ACP and disable the module.

Hope this helps!

Hello Brian:

Absolutely brilliant Brian that fixed it :) And the Flashback Skin is now showing correctly after disabling the Site Builder Module :) .

Does that mean Brian, That we will never be able to use the Site Builder Module while we use the Flashback Skin ? Because we done a test after to see if the issue would come back by turning back on and making the Site Builder Module active again and it caused exactly the same issue with the Flashback Skin, So it looks like we will not be able to use the Site Builder Module if we use the Flashback Skin, Which would really be a shame because we really do like the Flashback Skin.

The Site Builder Module maybe just a issue with the Flashback Skin Brian but i don't know that for sure because we update 2 other skins at the same time yesterday and did not have the same issues with those 2 other skins.

I would like to say a big thanks to you Brian for your help on this issue and fixing the issue for us and we really appreciate it and as well thank you to everyone else that post on this issue for your help.
9 years ago
7,790 posts
If you use the Site Builder module it will put its own menu system there.

You could use that menu system to link to the URLs that are provided by flashback if you wanted to use both.
9 years ago
44 posts
If you use the Site Builder module it will put its own menu system there.

You could use that menu system to link to the URLs that are provided by flashback if you wanted to use both.

Hello Michael:

Thank you for your reply to this post Michael.

We are still very new to this jamroom 5 Michael and we are just about geting to grips with it because this is a big step up from what we were used to in jamroom 3 to the more advanced jamroom 5, Which has a lot more benefits and features to it compared to jamroom 3.

Before we got the jamroom 5 just over a week ago, We have been over the last couple of months studying the documentation for the jamroom 5 but we had not quite got to the section of the jamroom 5 documentation about the Site Builder Module to read about it and study the ends and outs of how the Site Builder Module works and what benefits it would offer if we were to use it on our sites if we were to make the Site Builder Module active.

Today Michael, We learned a bit more about the Site Builder Module from the Site Builder Documentation and can now understand what you and Brian meant when you said about when the Site Builder Module is active, It is simply overriding the Flashback Skin menu in ready to put it's own menu where the Flashback Skin menu was before and from what we understand as well from the Site Builder Documentation, It will not impact in any way any other area of the Flashback Skin other than the area where the Flashback Skin menu was before.

This is good news in a way Michael, Because this means we don't have to compromise the Flashback Skin because which ever way we do it weather the Site Builder Module is active or not, We will still be able to use the Flashback Skin.

It looks like we will be going in the way of what you said Michael in you post 'You could use that menu system to link to the URLs that are provided by flashback if you wanted to use both' But we will not be rushing into doing it this way to quickly because we still have to figure out how to do it this way from the Site Builder Documentation. But for now Michael, I'm afraid the Site Builder Module will be made redundant until we can figure out how to do it this way from the Site Builder Documentation.

I very much appreciate your advice and help Michael, Thank You.
9 years ago
7,790 posts
There's not much to think about.

You look at flashback's menu, if it has a menu button titled "community" that links to 'community' you make that menu item.


Then you will have a menu item linking to the community page.

Then the same for the next one "Charts" url is 'music_charts'
Then the same for the next one "Lists" url is 'artists'
Then the same for the next one "Galleries" url is 'galleries'
9 years ago
44 posts
There's not much to think about.

You look at flashback's menu, if it has a menu button titled "community" that links to 'community' you make that menu item.


Then you will have a menu item linking to the community page.

Then the same for the next one "Charts" url is 'music_charts'
Then the same for the next one "Lists" url is 'artists'
Then the same for the next one "Galleries" url is 'galleries'

Hello Michael:

Thank you for your reply to this post Michael.

That is really weird and frightening Michael because you absolutely read our minds because that is exactly what we were going to come back and ask you as to how do we add the links that were in the Flashback Skin Menu to the Site Builder Menu and you have absolutely answered that for us Michael without us coming back to ask you LOL WOW :) .

Big thank you Michael for the info on how to do this. :)

Looks like we don't have to make the Site Builder Module redundant after all Michael LOL. :)

Again Michael, I very much appreciate your advice and help, Thank You. :)
