Do you continue to do updates on customized skins?

9 years ago
95 posts
Just had Paul customize my Projam Light skin, and now I see there's an update for it. If I do the update, will it overwrite my customized work? Please advise. Thanks, Dave.
updated by @davej56: 05/21/16 12:40:24AM
9 years ago
57 posts

idem for me with Nova Skin 1.5.0.

I have a Nova Skin 1.4.9 custum, how to update a modified theme ?

9 years ago
865 posts
Any customised skin should have between cloned and the changes made to this. If this is the case you can update the official skin and then check out the changes. If you like them add them one at a time to your custom skin and ready.
updated by @garymoncrieff: 02/20/16 04:54:10AM
9 years ago
2,800 posts
You can also check the skins changelog.txt file...

ProJam Change Log:
Version 1.5.0:
- New: Audio and Video players added
- Update: Updated profile templates and CSS files to accommodate new video player
- Bug Fix: typo in youtube pagination causing 2 next buttons to show
- Update: Updated CSS files to fix attach file button.
- Update: Removed bottom positioning for share this checkbox on timeline form.
- Added: Added YouTube and Pinterest social links and images to the footer template.
- Update: Replaced window.location with jrCore_window_location
- Update: Changed ACP > System Tools > Activity Log URL to go to the dashboard where the activity log has been moved to.

Nova Change Log:

Version 1.5.0:
- New: Audio and Video players added
- Update: Updated profile template files to accommodate new video player
- Update: Updated CSS files to fix attach file button.
- Update: Removed bottom positioning for share this checkbox on timeline form.
- Update: Replaced window.location with jrCore_window_location
- Fixed: Removed blogs_entry template and pointed blog titles to profile blog detail page.
- Added: Added YouTube and Pinterest social links and images to the footer template.
- Update: Changed ACP > System Tools > Activity Log URL to go to the dashboard where the activity log has been moved to.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
