Form Designer issue

9 years ago
15 posts
Hi, can you explain why in form designer when i create new fields they dont show up when i goto update the item. It only shows me the original fields and not the ones that i created
updated by @famegroup: 05/04/16 02:52:42AM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
the CREATE and UPDATE forms are separate forms - you will need to add the same fields to the UPDATE form that you added in the CREATE form. There is a checkbox when creating a new form field on the CREATE form to add the same field on the UPDATE form - however, it just creates the entry in the form - you will need to set it up to suit your needs.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
15 posts
aha so i need to go to the form designer for update section and recreate the same fields as i cant see the check box.

further in the form design for jrblog it says ontop

The following designer forms have not been setup yet for this module:


These forms will be initialized the first time they are viewed. It is recommended that you view all forms for this module before using the Form Designer.

what does this mean?
9 years ago
10,149 posts
It means what the message says:

These forms will be initialized the first time they are viewed. It is recommended that you view all forms for this module before using the Form Designer.

You need to visit the UPDATE form for a blog entry and the Form Designer will be initialized for that form view.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
7,799 posts
I've updated the docs for this to include your concerns.

Docs: "Using the Form Designer"
