solved Charting Issue

9 years ago
107 posts
I have tried for years to understand these numbers under the charting position number but it just has never made sense to me. And it always confuses the users. Can they just be removed? If so what are the templates/modules that would need to be changed? I'm using the Flashback skin.

Chart Confusion.jpg
Chart Confusion.jpg  •  50KB

updated by @charles-brady: 05/07/16 04:28:59AM
9 years ago
7,793 posts
"Was at position (150) moved down the chart, now at position 216"

If you remove them, is it still a chart? Yes they can be removed, where depends on the skin. Looks like Flashback, so its in music_chart_row.tpl

The video one is in video_chart_row.tpl
9 years ago
107 posts
"Was at position (150) moved down the chart, now at position 216"

But @michael wouldn't the arrow be pointing DOWN instead of UP if in fact the song had dropped from 150 down to 216? Why would it be pointing up if it went down? That's what makes this so confusing...

I'm only looking at removing the number (150) in this example. Not the current chart position number but only the one that causes so much confusion... :)
9 years ago
107 posts
I don't think the (150) indicates a prior chart position because I have too many that are the same number. Example attached.
Chart Confusion 2.jpg

9 years ago
10,149 posts
The number in the parenthesis is the number of positions the item has moved (either up or down).

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
107 posts
@brian that's what I've been telling folks but the math is not adding up. See the attached image. In order for those numbers in the ( ) to be movement I'd have to have a lot more songs in the system than I do.

I'd like to find a way to just not display the numbers in the ( ). The arrows are easy to explain but the confusing numbers in the brackets are not.

9 years ago
7,793 posts
assuming the image is from flashback and the audio page, then the template will be:
/skins/jrFlashback/music_chart_row.tpl SO
ACP -> SKINS -> FLASHBACK -> TEMPLATES -> music_chart_row.tpl

and its this piece of code that outputs the (123):
{if $item.chart_change > 0}

Comment that out by wrapping it in smarty comment syntax and it will not show.
{* we're commenting this part out because we dont want it.
{if $item.chart_change > 0}
9 years ago
10,149 posts
This should be fixed in version 1.0.7 of the Advanced Charts module - update, reset caches and you should be set.

Thanks for letting us know.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
107 posts
I'm trying to put together a standard response to the ever recurring question (twice today) and I'd like to know if this looks correct:

Red Arrow ( Up more than 10 positions over the previous 7 days)
Blue Arrow ( Down more than 10 positions over the previous 7 days)

Green Arrow (Up or Down Less than 10 positions over the previous 7 days)
DASH (Position unchanged)

(XXX) Number of position movement either up or down over the the previous 7 days
9 years ago
7,793 posts
The music_chart_row.tpl looks like this:
        {if $item.chart_direction == 'up'}
            {if $item.chart_change > 10}
                {assign var="chart_image" value="hot_up"}
                {assign var="chart_image" value="up"}
            {elseif $item.chart_direction == 'down'}
            {if $item.chart_change > 10}
                {assign var="chart_image" value="cool_down"}
                {assign var="chart_image" value="down"}
            {elseif $item.chart_direction == 'same'}
            {assign var="chart_image" value="same"}
            {elseif $item.chart_direction == 'new'}
            {assign var="chart_image" value="new"}

Thats the bit that determines what arrow shows.

It reads:
"if the chart direction is up, and the change is greater than 10, then show the HOT UP arrow, otherwise show the normal UP arrow"
then the same for the down, same and new.

You can ditch the HOT UP and COOL down if you don't want them.