no matter what time i set to clear image cache it doesn't clear correctly
my home partition was just at 94%!!!!!!
i manualy did clear image cache it went to 84%
i then went into ssh, went to data/cache and used rm -rf *
it went to 38%
when it thinks it is clearing cache it is not deleting the files off the drive, just no longer referencing them (at least that's what i think must be going on)
this is kinda a serius issue as it gobbles up 400 gigs in about a week or 2
and the only way to fix it is to delete them through ssh
i suppose i could also set up a cron job to do it on a schedule
but would be better to fix the underlying problem
the reason most sites might not be experiencing this issue as severely as i do is because i run a sitemap crawler nonstop that always moves all images into cache evrey 4 days
i used to have it set at 30 days before clearing czache so all images were always in cache and still it only added a few percent to the home use (i use a separate drive for media)
it would use about 100 gigs for media cache
but now it says its using 100, but in reality is using over 400
because 300 were "cleared' but not deleted
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 05/03/16 03:51:52PM