i just noticed google will now give preferential listings to amp pages
amp pages have to conform to certain guidelines and markup, and be served from cache
i realize this may not work for every page
but considering the high percentage of trafifc thats mobile, and rising every day, that preferential treatment by google, simply for having amp compatible pages would be like spending 50 grand on seo to get that same trafic boost
this has all the basics for amp
and i think it would require having an alternate amp page .
i mean the ability toi serve standard or amp
perhaps, the best solution would be on mobile to have it default to amp with a switch to full mobile version option and a popup confirmation saying "full mobile version may load slower on slow networks, but proivide a fresher, richer user experience"
something to that effect
this would be a very welcome addition. even if it required a seperate module purchase in order to generate the additional amp pages.
(and since it was my brilliant idea can i get a discount haha i have blown entirely too much money lately)
ideally however, since i spend so much on a high end server it would be great if the amp pages could still serve adsense ads with minimal impact and maximal caching
i have not looked too deeply into whats involved
but basicly there needs to be certain markup identifying it as an amp page, and have minimal "peices"
so it might have to exclude some features like sort by rating and only serve 1 gallery view with all images as 1 css sprite
stuff like that
i know how incredibly hard your working on all the new beta stuff
i just noticed this today so i think its rather new development
if so .. beatting the competition to the punch as they say would be a great way to attract more people to jr if it was 1 of the 1st social platforms to get it implemented
having many many jr sites getting top mobile listings would be a huge plus for us, and for you
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 04/29/16 02:06:21PM