Site is currently inaccessible (blank page), although just before it went down, I saw a couple of errors about not being able to write certain files to the cache. Visiting the cPanel generates this error:
The filesystem mounted at /home/sitename on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.
I would understand if I *had* got a lot of stuff, or wasn't on an unlimited plan, but having not really got up steam yet, there's barely anything on there in terms of big data - say 150/200 photos.
Well, to be sure, I manually deleted the cache via FTP, and ran the tools as per the 'Something's wrong - what do I do?' page to perform an Integrity Check etc. No change. The only 'unnecessary' files I have are the old versions of modules (can I delete those?), and the only non-Jamroom files are a couple of GIFs in a folder that I store for access by another website. I've done no work on the site today, and it's been fine until this evening.
I can't access any logs via the ACP.
All thoughts welcomed, etc. etc.
updated by @iamtimbo: 04/16/16 05:13:11AM