Comment documentation and questions

9 years ago
694 posts
Just now I followed the Help link from my Comments module to the Documentation.

It would be good if the overview in this Documentation could tell us more.

At present we are told that "stuff that can be commented on gets a box underneath it" and a screenshot shows an example of the box.

The screenshot is OK, but the first thing we need to know, as an overview, is what stuff can be commented on?!

The settings for comments can be found by choosing the Comments module in ACP, and then choosing the Quota Config tab, and then selecting a Quota that needs configuration. [This might be a good instruction to include in the Documentation, even if the principle is common to all modules]

When we do that, what options can we expect?

Just now I played with this in the context of a profile and quota which has Groups enabled.

When Comments are allowed in the quota settings, at the level of Profile and also at the level of "Item detail" then the boxes for comments seem to appear at multiple levels:

1. On the profile top page (at bottom)
2. On the Group top page (at bottom)
3. On each Discussion page inside the Group, under the discussion title and description box.

This last position is where the comment and comment reply system is most commonly needed, to establish a discussion thread.

What "Item details" in the various existing modules can have Comments enabled? i.e. Can the Documentation include an overall list of features where comments can be switched on or off, with the current modules for groups, audio, video etc.

The present Documentation tells developers how they can add comments to items in modules that are being newly built. It does not tell us which features in existing, off-the-shelf modules already have a tick box for switching Comments on or off.

Regarding the Comments for Groups, is it possible, without special or new coding, to switch comments OFF for the top page of a Group, but ON the for discussions inside that group?

It would be nice to have this level of control when we set up our quotas.


PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 04/10/16 10:52:55PM