Replacing jplayer

10 years ago
584 posts
I am looking to use the Google IMA SDK for advertising in the player. Unfortunately, jplayer is not in the list of supported players

I can't tell if it's possible to do something custom with jplayer.

Has anyone tried using this with jplayer? I can't find any documentation of anyone doing so. jplayer support resources are non existent.

Alternatively, has anyone had success with, or tried, any of the other supported video players with Jamroom? I am considering switching to Flowplayer; but any recommendations/experiences are appreciated.
updated by @dannya: 03/24/16 03:59:58AM
10 years ago
7,793 posts
jplayer support is pretty good:


Not a fan of google, they force me to look at japanese interface because im in japan but the content is ok.

Haven't tried flowplayer, the license wasn't compatible with open source last time I looked, but looking just now it looks like they are re-writing additions to the GPL to make it compatible with their for sale product.
10 years ago
584 posts
If you look at the jplayer site more closely, the last release was over a year ago. There has been little activity since on the site or github. Even the forum has little activity and fewer responses. There is little support for more recent popular player capabilities. None of these are good signs considering the increase in video usage. There are no commercial initiatives to move this forward.

The flowplayer license is not that expensive. 85E for a site. 1000 to distribute it up with JR. I've seen the documentation on replacing the JR player, but I was wondering if anyone had actually done it and could make any recommendations or problems.
