solved Beta : Profiles - Deleting Profile 500 error Msg

10 years ago
223 posts

I go to User/User profile/ profile listing i click the account i want to delete
Url where error comes up

am getting an 500 error msg

When I click refresh the profile gets deleted and the correct page load up,

Thank you

if you can reproduce i can make a screen recording of the error.
updated by @serveion: 03/30/16 09:33:00PM
10 years ago
7,797 posts
Not able to get the first image to show. For me I can see the second image, then click continue and it returns me to the top page of the site.

Where are you seeing the first image?
10 years ago
223 posts

Sorry took me a while to answer, but i work almost all night writing some ideas.

here i post a video of the problem (video is private)
updated by @serveion: 12/22/15 01:52:44PM
10 years ago
7,797 posts
How do I watch it?

This is The Jamroom Network's channel:

Can you allow access to that user?
10 years ago
223 posts
try now sorry about that.
10 years ago
7,797 posts
Thanks for the video, it makes it real easy to understand the issue.

I'm not seeing the same thing here. A 500 error is an 'Internal Server Error'. Do you have access to cpanel or any type of server error logs to see what your server might be complaining about?

Check there for any hints.
10 years ago
223 posts
this is what i got

[22-Dec-2015 21:21:41 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function boolval() in
/home/wowmusic/public_html/modules/jrProfile/include.php on line 649 [1] 

here is what i found in that file

// Get all items for this profile
                $_rt = jrCore_db_search_items($module, $_sc);
                if ($_rt && is_array($_rt)) {
                    jrCore_db_delete_multiple_items($module, $_rt);
                    if (boolval(jrCore_get_flag('jrProfile_delete_log_message')) === true) {
                        jrCore_logger('INF', "deleted " . count($_rt) . " {$module} entries for profile {$_data['profile_name']}");

updated by @serveion: 12/22/15 06:26:31PM
10 years ago
7,797 posts
This has been fixed in the next jrProfile release 1.4.0b7

The issue is that boolval() function only appeared in Php version 5.5.0 so any previous php versions would fail at that point. its been changed to a format that is compatible with earlier versions.
10 years ago
223 posts

Thank you very much,

Merry christmas
