moving the "up" button

10 years ago
435 posts
Does anyone know in which templet to find the up button for the forum? Mine is half buried under the chat module and I would like to lift it a bit.

updated by @perrie: 03/17/16 04:30:49AM
10 years ago
2,800 posts
I think your referring to the scroll to top button at the bottom of the page, is that correct?

Are you wanting to move it up so it isn't behind the CometChat?

If so, find this in your skins/YOURSKIN/css/footer.css file:

.scrollup {
    background: url('{$jrNingja_img_url}/icon_top.png') no-repeat;

and add 20 or 30 pixels to the bottom element...

.scrollup {
    background: url('{$jrNingja_img_url}/icon_top.png') no-repeat;


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
435 posts
Thanks Doug! And yes I was talking about the scroll button.

Do I have to go into the CSS or is there a way to do it in the templates?
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Its the design for the skin, so the correct way is to do it in the CSS. Its not impossible from the templates, but it will start to make a mess for future stuff that you would need to remember all your changes later. If you really want to do it that way its possible in the templates by adding style="" to the element you want to adjust. (not a good idea though)
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Perrie do you know how to connect via FTP to access the site folders and files that are on your server? (I use Filezilla, which is free) If so I can probably walk you through doing this. You'll want to be able to do it for other stuff in the future anyway. You are not going to be changing much code...actually just one number, from a 1 to a 4. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
435 posts
Hi Strumelia!

LOL... I tried to connect using FTP and hence my reluctance whenever I hear about using it, as I was a epic failure at it (odd, since I used to think I was half way decent at tech stuff). I would totally appreciate your help, I am just worried that you won't get frustrated with me. But we could give it the college try, so to speak. Just let me know what works for you and thanks! :)
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Ok, great link Paul. :)
Perrie, can you please go through all those steps in the link from Paul FIRST?... assuming you are downloading and doing this using FileZilla. Let me know when you've gotten that far (and hopefull can connect via FileZilla to your JR server)...and I can then help you do the CSS edit for your Up button, maybe on the phone. But try to get the connection working first, via Filezilla- email me if you try again using Paul's link, and still can't connect.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
435 posts
LOL.. Paul should know that I tried, which is why I am concerned about trying it with you Strumelia. I even tried using one that was supposed to be easier.. Cyberduck.

But I am willing to give this a try.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
More detailed docs on using Filezilla in the Ning to Jamroom section -

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
435 posts

If I make a mistake (which you may or may not remember I did massively), is there a way to recover?
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Perrie, just sayin'- I might be able to help you once you get connected in Filezilla to your server (and have bookmarked the connection)...but I doubt I could help if you are on a different program like Cyberduck or something...I only know how to stumble along in Filezilla. Try going through all the steps in the links above again?

Jamroom backs up your entire site every night on their servers, for 7 consec the worst you could lose would be 24 hours of posts. But also- always CLONE your good Active skin right before you make any changes, and name it something you can go right back to it if your site looks screwed up due to a bad skin code or template change.

JR also has a Database Backup module where you can back up your entire site with the push of a button including modules and skins and all member data. You can also set it to up to backup for 14 days in a row etc, keeping the latest ones. This module works with AWS (amazon web service) and you can follow the JR-provided instructions to set it up to work with your JR site. I have it set to back up my whole 32GB site every day for 3 weeks' worth...and it costs me only about $1.50 per month for the Amazon S3 online a 'bucket' you create. I was able to stumble my way through it and it works.
That AWS is in addition to, and in a different location than, the JR daily backup of 7 days the JR provides automatically. With the Jamroom "DB backup and Restore" module that uses AWS, you can backup your entire site with a click, just before you do any changes on it. That's good for peace of mind.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 12/16/15 05:21:58PM
10 years ago
435 posts

I will try to figure out Filezilla

Thanks for the cloning advice. I will do that.

I won't use Amazon anything... will tell you why privately. Maybe someone can recommend a similar service done by another company. I am sure there must be.

Thanks for everything. I will let you know when I figure out how to connect to Filezilla.
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Ok Perrie, I hope you can get the Filezilla connected to your server!

The Amazon AWS is the easiest because there is an actual Jamroom modulce designed to work with it for backing up your JR site- modules, skins, and complete member data. It's incredibly convenient, automatic once you set it up, and costs almost nothing. Just sayin... ;)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
435 posts
A small amazon rant... ;)

Let's start with that they are going to cause my husband to lose his job. They use predatory practices to put smaller companies out of business. They force smaller book companies to either sell their entire stock to them, or not do business with them. This also prevents the smaller book shops from purchasing books. After that, they force the book company to sell the division or lose everything.

People are getting bargains now from Amazon, but when they are the only game in town, the bargains will go away, and most people are totally unaware of that.
10 years ago
3,603 posts
One could probably find bad stuff about most any large for-profit business. Sorry about your husband though. Good thing JR backs up our sites for us 7 days' worth. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
435 posts
Thanks Strumelia. The only thing that bothers me about Amazon is unlike other large companies, it is consumer driven directly. But it is a great thing that JR does back up our sites for 7 days and you have been a wonderful friend to me! :)