i know you are working hard on it and you have access to my dev site and can give you admin access to my live site too
but heres the issues i am seeing broken down
still have no sitebuilder button so cannot edit pages
theres no "ghost menu items" until i do integrity ceck, then on either side of home theres an empty menu item, linking to nowhere no text and only a tiny sliver of the button
there still seems to be that extra "item" that you said was removed but i can't access the editor to see if i can remove it
adding any word after / asks if i want to create a page i say yes i get the 3 widgets but no way to change the layout or add more
as i said before it messes my menu all up, i unchecked all my customizations and the menu remained messed up
i might try some other tests i did try going through the html see if i could find any reference to the button to enable it through removing a display:none but i cant find it
i could make panel and widget edit buttons show but not the main sitebuilder
i tried unchecking and rechecking the show button in global too
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM