Integrating my Appbuilder platform with Proxima

10 years ago
123 posts
I'm not sure if this is the proper forum category for this, and I apologise in advance if this post is 'a bit much'.

I have an Online App building platform over at which I'm hoping to integrate fully with Jamroom Proxima so that I can have my users design their own apps which would then be hosted on my Jamroom/Proxima install.

Before I begin the monumental task of creating all the necessary bridge files etc for the integration I need some other opinions from anyone using Proxima who would like to have a login to my Appbuilder to try it out. You can download the resulting source files as a zip once you've created your app then all you need to do is compile your app e.g.apk file in your favorite compiler.

Anyone wishing to help me test this out please send me a PM with your email address and a password, which you can change after logging in to the Appbuilder.

Any and all feedback is welcome.

updated by @intro2music: 03/07/16 11:58:22AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Thanks for sharing this Mick - is this something you've created yourself or is it based on another product? If you have a link to the product I can look it over and give you some feedback.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
123 posts
Hi Brian, thanks for your interest. I have installed the (open source) control panel from

I have it integrated with my Buzztouch community account at the moment but it can run without having an account yourself.

Alternatively, I can give you ftp login so that you can download the files from my server, and play around with the file that I use.

I can also add you as an admin user over at if you'd like to see the admin end.

