solved Global config tabs not updating

10 years ago
94 posts
The variables i have inside global config, when i save changes, they don't update. What could be the problem?
Another problem i see is that when i remove arrays from the config.php of the skin, they are not removed from the site.
updated by @nmaster88: 05/20/16 02:13:27AM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
Can you show us the code your using?



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
94 posts
It's something like what's on the image. It says "the settings have been successfully saved" but they haven't.
Sem Título.jpg
Sem Título.jpg  •  80KB

10 years ago
7,797 posts
It's something like what's on the image. It says "the settings have been successfully saved" but they haven't.
How do you know its not successfully saved? If you are meaning the variables dont change in the templates, did you clear the caches?

Docs:"Reset the caches"

Nmaster88:...Another problem i see is that when i remove arrays from the config.php of the skin, they are not removed from the site....
What arrays?

Its hard to understand what your trying to achieve. More explanation please.
10 years ago
2,804 posts
When you remove a skin config setting from the skins config.php file, it does not remove the default/saved value from the database, and if you change anything in the skins config.php file, then you'll want to run the ACP > System Tools > Integrity Check tool so the database gets updated, and then run the ACP > System Tools > Reset Cache so your changes show in the skin templates.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
94 posts
It's something like what's on the image. It says "the settings have been successfully saved" but they haven't.
How do you know its not successfully saved? If you are meaning the variables dont change in the templates, did you clear the caches?

Docs:"Reset the caches"

Nmaster88:...Another problem i see is that when i remove arrays from the config.php of the skin, they are not removed from the site....
What arrays?

Its hard to understand what your trying to achieve. More explanation please.

Yes i'm running Integrity check and i clear cache, and variables don't change.

Removing arrays i mean on the file, where we have: $_tmp=array(...); jrCore_register_setting(...,$_tmp);
What i mean is that when i add them on the file they are added on the admin, but when i remove them they are not remove, even after i run the "tools" on the system core.
10 years ago
2,804 posts
If you want to remove it all together, you'll want to do that through the database admin.

ACP > Developer > Developer Tools > Database Admin

You'll find the skin config settings in the jr_jrcore_setting table.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
94 posts
If you want to remove it all together, you'll want to do that through the database admin.

ACP > Developer > Developer Tools > Database Admin

You'll find the skin config settings in the jr_jrcore_setting table.

Thanks! Using this method is working. But still i really need it to work through the global config tabs ...
10 years ago
10,149 posts
We use this literally in hundreds of places in Jamroom, so I know for certain it works. All of our skins are setup this way. I would just double check that you have correctly inserted the right code in the config.php file. Maybe paste here what you have added? Did you use the correct skin directory name in the jrCore_register_setting() function call? it should be like:

jrCore_register_setting('SkinDir', $_tmp);

Where SkinDir is the DIRECTORY of your custom skin.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
94 posts
We use this literally in hundreds of places in Jamroom, so I know for certain it works. All of our skins are setup this way. I would just double check that you have correctly inserted the right code in the config.php file. Maybe paste here what you have added? Did you use the correct skin directory name in the jrCore_register_setting() function call? it should be like:

jrCore_register_setting('SkinDir', $_tmp);

Where SkinDir is the DIRECTORY of your custom skin.

Yes, but that i have it ok, because the tabs appear on the global config of my skin, the real problem is when save changes, the fields are not modified... Is there some permission or configuration i'm missing?
10 years ago
10,149 posts
This is automatic - I've not seen this NOT work, so something else must be going on. How are you determining that it is not being saved?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
94 posts
This is automatic - I've not seen this NOT work, so something else must be going on. How are you determining that it is not being saved?

Yes, i'm not saying that doesn't work, it's cleary something that's wrong but i don't know what it is, yet :|

In the Flashback skin, when i have all the options selected (set as active skin, set as active admin skin) it works, i can change the global config settings.

The problem is in this custom skin i'm doing, the settings on the global config tabs are not updated. I click "save changes" and voila the variable goes to what it was before i've gone there and inserted something different. This happens in the global config tab.

I can still go directly to the tables in the database and change the values but that doesn't solve the problem.
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updated by @nmaster88: 12/22/15 02:22:40PM
10 years ago
223 posts

I have create a video for the problem we are experience, and i believe skin should save data even if they not fully active,

we are developing a skin using admin skin module.

Flashback for admin, and profile, and our custom skin for as a active skin, see attachment
we are not developing admin skin for this custom skin because we really like flashback as a admin skin,
but we are unable to save information in our custom skin or any other skin if the skin is not fully activated.
so for us to fix this problem we will have to make a backend skin something I don't think is necessary. so skin should save data even if they are not active in anyway.

you can see video here.
video was taking in a clean install of jamroom running beta

thank you hope this help
adminskin.png  •  165KB

activeskin.png  •  41KB

updated by @serveion: 12/22/15 02:46:09PM
10 years ago
7,797 posts
Video is private here too, can't see it without access.

Could you grant access to:

This is our channel:

If thats what you need to grant access, not sure, never used the private feature before.
10 years ago
223 posts
try now, sorry about that.
10 years ago
7,797 posts
In your video your changing it from 1,4,5 to empty. Try changing it to 8,9,4 or something else and see if that sticks.
10 years ago
223 posts

it dont matter what number i Insert, if the skin is not activate it doesn't save the data,
If I activated the skin before changing the ids, skin save the data,
so in order for the skin to save data needs to be active.
10 years ago
7,797 posts
AH! Gotcha. sorry, I was not understanding.

Quote: if the skin is not activate it doesn't save the data,

I'll check it out. Thanks.
updated by @michael: 12/22/15 05:11:26PM
10 years ago
94 posts
It seems that for now we have solved the main problem, that was that the custom skin settings were not saving.

We changed in the include.php the name of skin from wmWowmusic to wmWowMusic
and the changes we did on jrCore_register with the new name we're not update on the tables...
we had to go to the jr_Core_setting and update the module field manually.
10 years ago
7,797 posts
This is fixed in an upcoming release. Thanks for identifying the issue.
