solved Major Problem with Read More

10 years ago
370 posts
I am in the process of transferring a large number of blog posts from my old Ning site to Jamroom at the moment and I thouought all was going well until I checked up on a few things earlier today. Several of the blog posts concerned contain YouTube embeds. I thought I had allowed this in the iframe control module BUT the embeds only show to the admin user.

When I use 'readmore' breaks in the editor the code remains but everything after the readmore break does not display in the blog post.

This appeared to be working ok a day or so back but has since gotten borked somehow. One or two earlier posts still show the content after the break but they re align text to left or center ( it was all justified ) and of course the YouTube vids are missing. What have I done wrong this time? :)

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 02/23/16 11:34:24AM
10 years ago
370 posts
I should probably update this. The situation at the moment appears to be that:-

1. I cannot save blog posts with a read more break. Everything after the read more does not display although it is still there if I open the post to edit.

2. When I am logged out posts with read mores appear with some formatting stripped ( in particular div border radius ) and paragraph formatting altered ( from justify to left or center ) - also YouTube videos do not display. Here is an example:-

In the above example, when I am logged in, the post appears with border radius intact, justified paragraph formatting and all YouTube vids displayed.

Here is a screenshot of the same post when viewed while logged in either as the master admin user or as the ordinary user account which I am using to repost the blogs with:-

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 11/23/15 09:28:51PM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
IF you are using site builder...
A workaround for the YT videos might be to use the url from the video at YT- then go to your profile and select YT videos tab- then add the url there and save....
Then you can open the blog in the sitebuilder widget and use the editor embed function to select the YT video and embed it..

I am not sure what you are using to place the blogs in the page with the "trunicate" but you may need to add the "truncate |Read More" code to your template..I cannot recall what that code looks like but someone here maybe able to help

Embedding the YT videos with iframe should work if you have "Enable all html Tags" check box checked...and the youtube domain allowed in the " allowed domains area"
10 years ago
370 posts
Hi Derrick

I am using the standard readmore button in the editor to place the 'truncate'. Or at least I was because it is no longer functioning.

I have "Embed all html tags" checked and the youtube domain is allowed in the "allowed domains area".

This is very worrying because I have 4 or 500 blog posts to manually crop and paste from my old Ning site over the next couple of weeks. If however, I cannot tell what these will look like to logged out viewers ( more than 90% of my traffic ) because html tags are randomly stripped or altered and vids don't appear, its not immediately clear how I can proceed. Should I open a ticket?

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru
10 years ago
10,149 posts
This is very worrying because I have 4 or 500 blog posts to manually crop and paste from my old Ning site over the next couple of weeks.

Hopefully it doesn't worry you too much - when users report issues to us we try to fix them as quick as we can.

I will check this out and see if I can replicate this here. Are you running JR 5.3.0 beta?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yep this is broken - am looking at what has changed to make this stop working and will get it fixed up.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
370 posts
Yes...I am running the Beta. Also I should report that the read more seems to be working again for the admin user. I ran the Integrity check and it seems ok now. The problem is with the AmeriCymru user... I note that the Blogs have disappeared from stats in the side panel as well -

This account had probs with the read more as of last night. Haven't tried it again this morning. Many thanks :)

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru
10 years ago
370 posts
Quote: Yep this is broken - am looking at what has changed to make this stop working and will get it fixed up.

Many thanks :) For future reference ...if I come across a problem like this again should I open a ticket rather than banging on about it in public forums? I guess broadcasting problems with a megaphone is a legacy of my loooooong experience with Ning :)

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru
10 years ago
10,149 posts
There is actually a bug here - I've just fixed it and pushed version 1.1.8 of the Profile Blog module - update to that, reset caches and it should be working.

As for reporting, the forum here is best for bugs - unless you feel it is something specific or unique to your site where you want to give us login information (which of course you don't want to post here).

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
370 posts
OK great....updating now. As for reporting I will try to be less nervous in future :) Still suffering from Post Ning Traumatic Stress Disorder. Still re-adjusting to a culture where developers actually care about and take a pride in the platform :)

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru
10 years ago
10,149 posts
OK great....updating now. As for reporting I will try to be less nervous in future :) Still suffering from Post Ning Traumatic Stress Disorder. Still re-adjusting to a culture where developers actually care about and take a pride in the platform :)

No worries :)

We try to fix things quickly if we can - sometimes we can't always get something out as quickly as this because a fix may be dependent on another module, which in turn may be dependent on a core update or something, but most of the time if the "fix" is contained within the module (like this was) we can do it quickly.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
370 posts
Still a few problems

1. The formatting and youtube video does not display correctly for non logged in viewers. Also blog figures do not appear for the AmeriCymru user in stats. See screenshots below.

2. When you click read more you are taken to a second page where the snippet appears but NOT the rest of the post. You have to spot the arrow or the 1/2 nav below the snippet before you can see the rest of the post. When you go to page 2 you see the rest but NOT the snippet. I was hoping that read more ( when clicked ) would take you to the whole page ( including the original snippet ) with one click.

To demonstrate what I mean please take a look at this page:-

and click on the Read More link below the 'Contemporary Welsh Language Pop Music - An Interview With Aug Stone' post.

I have opened a ticket on the first issue above because I am assuming it to be site specific.

I hope I have explained this adequately. Many thanks in advance.


Screenshots of the page for logged in viewers and not logged in viewers:-

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 11/24/15 11:55:03AM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Ceri- I also appreciate you reporting them here
I work on my sites daily- if I ever get them "finished" I plan to make more. Whenever I have an issue I cant understand the first thing I do is go to this forum and select 'newest posts" and browse to see if anyone else is experiencing the I always appreciate others posting issues pubically here
10 years ago
370 posts
On the second issue above I think I am beginning to get what is going on. The 'read more' link is intended to be used for pagination and not for snippeting? I am confusing 'read more' here with 'read more' in Joomla etc where it IS used for snippeting? i.e. the content both before and after the 'read more' break will both appear on the same page when the 'read more' is clicked on e.g the blog index page?

If so I guess I can get round that by using snippets in the html editor and manually inserting 'read more' links to the whole post.

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru
10 years ago
370 posts
Thanks Ceri- I also appreciate you reporting them here
I work on my sites daily- if I ever get them "finished" I plan to make more. Whenever I have an issue I cant understand the first thing I do is go to this forum and select 'newest posts" and browse to see if anyone else is experiencing the I always appreciate others posting issues pubically here

Will keep posting. Just keen to get an understanding of what is appropriate to post, where and when. On Ning it was always a case of shouting and shouting until someone took notice or you ran out of breath. Usually the latter :)

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru