How do I get an RSS feed onto a module?

10 years ago
435 posts
I have been looking around the forum and I was wondering if anyone knew how to get an RSS feed onto a module? I thought I had figured it out, but it didn't work (using the addy for the module for the feed input). Any help would be appreciated.

updated by @perrie: 02/21/16 06:21:24PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Checkout the documentation here -
Do you want to read and show a feed on your site, or provide one to other sites? Either way its covered in the docs. provides a feed of your latest discussions.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
435 posts
I want it to show a feed from my site to use on my site and for other sites to be able to use. I looked over the documents, and I saw that I needed some code to put into a template. But being that this feed is from a custom template, I am not sure where to put the code.... or for that matter if I need a code, if I decide to just use it on my site.
10 years ago
7,791 posts
If its just for your site, use {jrCore_list}. No need to output to an RSS feed which you then read from.
If you want more specific instructions we need a more specific example.
Q: "not sure where to put the code"
A: "Where do you want to put the code"

not so useful. ;)

10 years ago
435 posts
Hi Michael,

It is for my site and for others to follow, since that is how we build links.

I thought I was specific. I wanted to know how to put an RSS feed (the three arches) onto a mod. What was the code to do that and do I use the the {jrCore_list}, or do I put it into the the specific mods templet.

Sorry for not being more specific.
10 years ago
1,353 posts
The answer you are looking for may be a part of this:

The RSS Feed
With the jrFeed module installed, your new modules RSS feed will be available at:

I think if you add /feed/ in to the url you will be able to get a feed off the page
10 years ago
435 posts
Hi Derrick,
That is the way it is supposed to work, but as it turns out, there seems to be something wrong with the jrfeed. Thanks for the info though! :)
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Hi Michael,

It is for my site and for others to follow, since that is how we build links.

I thought I was specific. I wanted to know how to put an RSS feed (the three arches) onto a mod. What was the code to do that and do I use the the {jrCore_list}, or do I put it into the the specific mods templet.

Sorry for not being more specific.
Not meaning to be critical, sorry if it came across that way, the reason I need the 'Where' is because the HOW is different depending on where you want to put it.

So far I know where the RSS feed is because paul posted it above:

If you wanted to put that on say this page:

Then you would use that RSS feed url in the "Create / Update" too as described here:

That would then give you the "Template Code" that you could use to display that feed.

Since is the index.tpl file of your skin, you could put the feed code you just received in there, or if it was controlled by Site Builder then you could use the TEMPLATE CODE widget in site builder to get the code out to the page.

It looks like its already being out put on that page ( under the title "Discussions Now on The NewsTalkers' Forums" though.
10 years ago
7,791 posts
if you're meaning "How do I get a module out to an RSS feed" the url is module)
