solved Ancestor Profile will not move to another tree

10 years ago
126 posts
Hello! I had some time to play with Genosis, and I decided to change things a little bit which meant certain ancestors were going to be moved to a different tree. I click on "move to another tree" but that profile refuses to budge from the tree it's in, yet the children and spouse have all moved to the other tree. It's a handful of profiles that are stubborn, and I am not sure I even know which ones they all are yet. What can I do to fix this other than creating a profile in the tree I want them in, and inputing all the information? Thanks, Lisa
updated by @lisa: 02/18/16 09:49:41AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Weird - when you say it doesn't move do you get an error? Or is it just that it remains in the old tree? What happens if you reset caches (Admin -> Reset Caches)?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
126 posts
Hi, Brian! Nope, no error. It just didn't move with the rest of them and remains in the old tree. Every time I do the updates I reset the caches. Nothing changes. It's odd because I'll have the wife and kids all in one tree, but the husband in another. I'll notice usually when the kids are missing a parent, and I when I try to add him he doesn't exist. I'll switch to the other tree, and there he is! I'll try moving him, but he won't move. Like I said... it's random, and I do not know even know all the profiles affected yet. Sometimes it's the wife. Sometimes it's the husband. I am not sure if I need to just delete the profile from the tree and add it to the tree I want it in and re-input the information by hand or if there is another way.

Thanks! Lisa
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I see this as well here too on a test tree I just setup - let me see what is up.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
10,149 posts
This should be fixed now in Genosis Core 1.4.15 - update and let me know if that works better for you.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
126 posts
Hi, Brian! Glad it happened to you too so you could tinker with it! Thank you for the new update... I'll be playing with Genosis this weekend and let you know how it goes!!
With much appreciation, Lisa
