Audio Download Button on Tablets and Mobile

10 years ago
223 posts

Beta Version.
Am adding the download button to website but when I access to mobile and tablets download button dont show.

am planing to add this
{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/download/audio_file/{$item._item_id}">{jrCore_image image="download.png" alt="download" title="download"} to where i want to show the download button for now on the artist profile audio tab list but i lost which file to edit.


i found out you need to go to each page individually to enable the download for single for song album then for single song page. so that is fixed on the website, but i still can see download button on the tablets or mobiles.

thank you

updated by @serveion: 02/10/16 08:58:33AM
10 years ago
223 posts
I can see the button if i use a plugin with chrome to test different screen size, but in a real device buttons dont show,
i have a kindle, and htc one m9 and m7 both don't show icons, i added a temporary one for now until i can find out what will be the best way for me to implemented,
