YouTube Video Display Vanishes Upon Skin Change

10 years ago
56 posts
I'm no coder and I'm beginning to think I may be in over my head with Jamroom 5. I started out with the Solo Artist skin, but couldn't change the glaring red background to something more pleasant.

I changed to try Proxima but I am not an app developer; and the YouTube videos and audio disappeared at this point though I was able to set up some monetization for the site. I couldn't figure out how to add enough content to make the use of that module bundle worthwhile.

Changing to the Elastic skin while keeping the Proxima Core allowed the audio to come back but not the video; and I really need YouTube connectivity. The imported videos can be seen from the Dashboard but not from the live site.

Now I am on my last skin option, Lucid. I have the banner I want, but no audio or video is displaying. My profile isn't even displaying!


Jocelyn (Troubled site is linked below.)
updated by @lynnbird: 02/10/16 12:31:31AM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
All of our skins will show audio, video and even youtube lists, even if they are not setup out of the box to show those media items. If you go into your ACP and look at the info tab for each of those modules you'll see there is a URL setup for them. Just point your browser to that URL and you'll see the list for that module. ie. will show a list of youtube videos.

If a link for a module isn't setup for your skin, or in the main nav menu, you can always add it to your skins/YOURSKIN/header_menu_desktop.tpl file.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos

updated by @douglas: 11/09/15 11:23:53AM
10 years ago
56 posts
Ok...will see what can be done as I have never edited those particular files!

Would this be doable via the Menu Editor itself? Don't want to mess around with code as I am hopeless at CSS.

Update: tried menu editor, no dice. Screen shot attached.
FailedMenuEntry.jpg  •  134KB

updated by @lynnbird: 11/09/15 12:51:12PM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
The Menu Editor is for the user drop down menu (the drop down menu next to the ACP drop down menu). It allows you to add more links to that particular drop down.

To add a link to the main nav menu, you'll want to modify the header_menu_desktop.tpl file. This can be done in your ACP > Skin Settings > Skin Templates. Or by modifying the template in an editor and then uploading to your site via FTP.

By using the template editor in the ACP, if something should get messed up by your modifications, there is a Reset button you can use that will revert the template back to the original template code.

You won't need to know any CSS, although it is recommended for any website, its just basic HTML for the menu. If you need it to be multi lingual then you'll need to know how to use the jrCore_lang function.

So if you go to your ACP > Skin Settings > Skin Templates and click the modify button for the header_menu_desktop.tpl, you can setup a new audio link by adding this:

<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{jrCore_module_url module="jrAudio"}">Audio</a></li>

just above this code:

{* User Settings drop down menu *}
{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{jrUser_home_profile_key key="profile_url"}">{jrUser_home_profile_key key="profile_name"}</a>
{jrCore_skin_menu template="menu.tpl" category="user"}

And a YouTube link would look like this:

<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{jrCore_module_url module="jrYouTube"}">YouTube</a></li>

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
7,799 posts
If you'd like you can send the admin login details to support [at] jamroom dot net attn:michael

and I'll get you setup to get started using the Site Builder system.

First thing you should do is turn off the proxima modules, somethings weird on your system. I can see your audio files here:

but then clicking on any profile link ( eg ) gives me 'Not Found'.

That's not right and I think its because of proxima.

I'd like to login, install Site Builder, so you can start constructing your site.

Have a read here:

"What is Site Builder?"

when you send the email, include the link to this thread so I can track back here. Thanks.
updated by @michael: 11/10/15 10:51:18PM
10 years ago
56 posts
Ty Michael! I will turn off Proxima immediately! Then I will get the login details as you suggested. I actually thought Proxima would be a help, as I am trying to integrate a VHX sales platform to this site. I was obviously incorrect.

Will update this post to let you know when the email has been sent; thanks again!

Uh one small problem? How do I get rid of Proxima? Email sent, even though Proxima is still active.
updated by @lynnbird: 11/11/15 05:33:00AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Unless you are building a mobile app that needs to communicate with your Jamroom, you do not need Proxima and want to remove it.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
56 posts
Brian I am trying and I cannot remove the Proxima Core, Data and Stats modules. The Proxima Core has replaced the regular Jamroom core; I've disabled all the Proxima modules that can be disabled. I am at a loss now.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
The Proxima Core has replaced the regular Jamroom core

That's not correct - it has not replaced the Jamroom Core - Proxima Core is a module just like any other Jamroom module.

You need to disable the Stats and the Data modules first before you can disable the Proxima Core.

Let's follow up on your other post instead of here.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
