solved Add Panel to Dashboard

10 years ago
129 posts
I have created a new panel for dashboard but it is not displaying.


jrCore_register_module_feature('jrCore', 'dashboard_panel', 'djMix', 'today licenses', 'djMix_dashboard_panels');

function djMix_dashboard_panels($panel)
$out = array(
'title' => 10
return ($out) ? $out : false;

Is I am doing anything wrong?

updated by @sbhadauria: 02/14/16 01:56:49AM
10 years ago
7,788 posts
That should be enough. Just to make sure its all in the correct locations, I have used your code and created a module that uses it.

Download the attached file attached to this post.

* Upload it to your jamroom system.
* ACP -> SITE -> DJ MIX -> INFO -> ACTIVATE (save changes)

That will activate the module on your site.

Once its activated the dashboard panel will be an option for the admin user to add to the dashboard.

So as the admin user:
DASHBOARD -> CUSTOMIZE -> Number of Rows (add more than are currently visible so you have empty spaces.)

Then click on one of the empty dashboard boxes that contains an ?

You will see your module "DJ Mix" so click on the "Today License" and it will show in that dashboard panel.

I've updated the docs to include the part about extending the amount of panels that can be customized:

"Documentation: Dashboard Panels"
zip  •  3KB

updated by @michael: 11/09/15 10:18:07PM
10 years ago
129 posts
Thanks it's working
