Still Unable to upgrade

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
I just tried to switch over again today from version 1 to 2.

I had the same issue as last time (I tried several months ago). My index page disappeared and was actually replaced by my radio page, although the radio has it's own URL (/radio).

I am using the admin skin module and running a different active skin than my profile and admin skin, which may be causing the issue. Perhaps such an uncommon circumstance was not anticipated in the design?

At any rate, since I'm running a live network, I had to quickly switch back. After integrity check with the old modules enabled, everything returned to normal.

I had seen (quite some time ago) some updates relating to lost pages, so I thought this issue may have been something I had in common with others. Perhaps not related to running the admin skin module at all.

Since feedback is important for development, I am simply relaying my experience.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
10 years ago
10,148 posts
Hi Ken -

What you're going to want to do here is setup a dev site on your server where we can work with you on getting this working - I don't feel comfortable "upgrading" you on your live site.

Do you have a dev site where you test your site changes before rolling them out live?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Brian,

I have this site that I began experimenting with a long time ago, but didn't do much of anything with -

I don't care what happens there, but it has few nodules installed, no data, and not the same skins.

If there was a way to "clone" my current set-up with just a representative sample of the data, that would be ideal.

However, I'm not sure if that can be done. If it could, there should be plenty of room on the server for it.


Ken Rich
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
I am being forced by the needs of a current project to direct my focus here. What is the fasted way to build a clone development site?

1) Can I just copy all my files to a folder minus most of the data? Would that "run".

2) Or do I need to laboriously go through all the steps and module installs as I did with the original site?

I don't see a way forward there (method 2) because my custom skins and the admin skin module are not options for install.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/15/15 10:34:09AM
10 years ago
10,148 posts
1) Setup a new domain on your server
2) Download your modules and skins and uploaded to the new domain
3) run integrity check so the modules and skins are installed

That will basically give you a new site with your existing modules and skins.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Brian,

Please excuse my ignorance. When you say download your modules and skins do you mean via FTP and upload via FTP to the new site.

Or are you talking about some tool built into Jamroom that I am unaware of?


Ken Rich
10 years ago
10,148 posts
Ken Rich:
Hi Brian,

Please excuse my ignorance. When you say download your modules and skins do you mean via FTP and upload via FTP to the new site.

Or are you talking about some tool built into Jamroom that I am unaware of?

Yes - SFTP.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
OK - I tried that procedure.

I uploaded the skins and modules to this domain since it was not in use:

I can't get in to run the integrity check because all I see is:


You don't have permission to access / on this server.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
10,148 posts
Ken Rich:
OK - I tried that procedure.

I uploaded the skins and modules to this domain since it was not in use:

I can't get in to run the integrity check because all I see is:


You don't have permission to access / on this server.

That domain was likely never setup - delete that domain and create a new one. You were one of our very first hosting customers, and at that time our system tried to create a "profile name" temp URL for you, but it turned out to be "silently" failing without us knowing, so was removed. Just delete that domain and make a new one - i.e.

or whatever.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 11/16/15 01:48:46PM
10 years ago
3,603 posts
I see a second domain on my server as well (aside from my, called ""
I'ts got the Elastic skin on it, but I've never done anything with it. Like Ken, should I just delete that? (I mean, if I wanted to have another domain on my server, it wouldn't have a name like that.) Should I delete domain from my server?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
10,148 posts
I see a second domain on my server as well (aside from my, called ""
I'ts got the Elastic skin on it, but I've never done anything with it. Like Ken, should I just delete that? (I mean, if I wanted to have another domain on my server, it wouldn't have a name like that.) Should I delete domain from my server?

Yeah - I'd delete it if you're not using it.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
7,768 posts
@ken-rich can you clone your skin and send me a copy, I think there's just you and soaring using the old site builder now, we need to get you moved over to the new system.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Cool - I just went through a major stressful time with lost pages and dead links in my menu. I tied up Brian's time for a while too, trying to rescue me.

Basically, everything disappeared when I tried to do a sitebuilder export, though Brian says it was because of the new core -

In any case, I'm not sure how to send you a cloned skin. If you have a procedure let me know, I'm heading to the developer module to try and figure it out.

Hope I don't break something else - lol.


Ken Rich
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael,

I downloaded a copy of my skins, zipped, and sent to your email.

Is that what you need?


Ken Rich
10 years ago
7,768 posts
nice. I'll get a dev system setup and see what its going to take.

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael,

There are a couple of things I'm trying to understand about how the new skins and Sitebuilder 2 are working.

1) At the submenu tabs don't line up anymore, and the padding command I was using no longer has any effect. Strangely, that only happens when in Sitebuilder2 mode, regardless of the new or old skin version.

2) I managed to import my pages and then upgrade to Sitebuilder 2. However some of the pages were assigned the Ningja style (Network) which I want - like

Other's have the Nova (Terminator) style like (style I don't want).

On the main network, all of the pages had the Network style, and any new ones I made.

On the development site, any new ones I make are the Nova style (which I don't want). Can it be made to create in the Network style - currently used in the admin and profile sections?


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/19/15 10:22:35AM
10 years ago
7,768 posts
Both those links are looking like they are using the same skin to me, although the /store one is coming up 404 not found.

Those things are not Site Builder related, but rather Admim Skin related. You are using the Admim Skin module to set a different skin for the profile section and the admin section and the front section.
All pages built with Site Builder should show the skin that is set for the front section. If its not, then its a bug.

As for the custom CSS issue, It looks like you have changed the '#menu ul' css for your skin to
left: -45;

This is the original CSS code:
#menu ul {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) linear-gradient(#444444, #111111) repeat scroll 0 0;
    border-radius: 3px;
    box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
    color: #ffffff;
    font-size: 13px;
    left: -20px;
    margin: 0;
    opacity: 0;
    position: absolute;
    top: 28px;
    transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out 0s;
    visibility: hidden;
    z-index: 99999;

Maybe change yours to left: -10px or so and see if that's closer.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael,

I tested and this one is coming up 404 not found when logged out (don't know why).

Logged in it shows and looks the same as this one on the main site -

As you can see that is the Ningja style from the network skin.

So the question becomes - how was I able to make pages take the Network skin with version 1 of sitebuilder on the main site, but in version 2 on the demo site they take the Terminator (Nova) style?

Is that something you changed between version 1 and 2, which creates a different default?


Ken Rich
10 years ago
7,768 posts
Check that the 'store' module is enabled and activated, that's the module that controls that URL.

Quote: ...So the question becomes - how was I able to make pages take the Network skin with version 1 of sitebuilder on the main site, but in version 2 on the demo site they take the Terminator (Nova) style?...

Don't know, how would I setup to see this behaviour? The admin skin settings are at:
ACP -> SKINS -> (SKIN NAME) -> then the checkboxes:

* set as active skin (shows on the front section pages)
* set as profile skin (shows on the profile)
* set as admin skin (shows on the ACP)

You're saying the skin that was supposed to be showing on the profile was showing on the front section?
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael,

Your CSS adjustment worked in the Nova clone (Terminator) skin.

I'll try the store module settings when I get a chance.

To see this behavior just go here -

That site is running the same skins as the demo. Modified Nova in the active section, but modified Ningja in the profiles and admin sections.

As you can see, the style is from the profile and admin section, not the front end. That's what I am trying to achieve. If it worked that way before, why not again?

My theory is that I installed Sitebuilder manually in those skins, in the early part of development, when you posted the method (which I have since forgotten). I seem to recall that, but not how to repeat.

I don't know if that's a valid premise or not, as to why it works the opposite of the way you say it should? I just know I need to get it working that way again in version 2.

What I am saying is that I need the pages I make to take the Ningja clone style used in admin and profiles section, not the Nova clone style used on the fromt end.

Sitebuilder 1 works that way on my current working site. The demo doesn't and I don't understand why or how to change.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/23/15 02:35:30PM
10 years ago
7,768 posts
The way it should work is:
(is this a profile page?) = Show the 'profile' skin.
(is this an ACP page?) = Show the 'admin' skin.
(otherwise) = Show the 'active' skin.

I'll check it out.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
That's the way I would expect it to work, and the way it does work on my "real" site with Sitebuilder 1.

Sitebuilder2 on the demo site seems to make active skin pages only. That's what I'm not understanding.

The only place I really need the Nova clone skin is the front page, everywhere else I prefer the Ningja clone skin, especially with pages made from sitebuilder.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
10,148 posts
Site builder builds SITE level pages (not ACP, not profile) so ALL Site Builder pages should use the active "site" skin.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Brian,

It doesn't work that way on my live, working network -

Style wise, the front page is a Nova clone and everything else on the network, INCLUDING all my sitebuilder pages, are Ningja clones.

If they SHOULD be otherwise, then there must be a reason why they are not. I don't understand what that reason is, I'm just saying that it literally doesn't work that way on my site.

I'm also saying that I want it to continue working the current (wrong) way, or I will be forced to get rid of my front page.

I've never been able to even come close to duplicating it's functionality or aesthetics in Ningja (after considerable effort), so that's not a good option for me.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
10,148 posts
I have no idea how it is working that way, so I cannot tell you it will continue working that way. In JR there are basically 3 sections:

- SITE level pages (skin templates, site builder)
- ACP (everything in the ACP)
- PROFILES (profile_* skin templates and views managed by a modules profile.php script)

I have no idea how you are mixing and matching skin templates from multiple skins, but it's not something we support so I can't guarantee it is going to continue to work.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 11/24/15 05:19:19PM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Brian,

What I have done is pretty simple really, and done with what Jamroom provided.

I installed the admin skin module, put a Nova clone in the active section, and a Ningja clone in the admin and profile section.

I installed Sitebuilder 1 into both those skins.

I am able to create pages with the Ningja clone's style, even though it is not the active skin.

It seems to work like Michael suggested:

(is this a profile page?) = Show the 'profile' skin.
(is this an ACP page?) = Show the 'admin' skin.
(otherwise) = Show the 'active' skin.

My problem is that the new demo site I made, which has similar skins and sitebuilder 2 doesn't seem to work that way, which makes me scared to try an upgrade on my main site.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
7,768 posts
I've uploaded the tweaks I made to the Admin Skin module to your democo site. Please take a look at it and see if you can spot anywhere where:

(is this a profile page?) = Show the 'profile' skin.
(is this an ACP page?) = Show the 'admin' skin.
(otherwise) = Show the 'active' skin.

is not happening.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael,

Yes - kind of.

If you look at this page you can see it is taking the Nova clone style from the active skin (Terminator 2)

Here is the same page on my "real" site and it's taking the Ninja clone style (Network skin) from the Admin/Profile sections

That is the thing I am not understanding - why is that? It's the same page, different style.

I imported it into my demo while it was set to Sitebuilder version 1, then upgraded to version 2.

I don't know if it's the mods you did to the skins there, or the difference in sitebuilder versions, or perhaps some other thing, which is causing it to switch to a different style.

Until I can account for what is causing that difference in style, I don't feel safe to upgrade the real site. I don't want those pages to switch styles like that.

The front page should continue to be the only one with that Nova clone (Terminator 2) style, just as my real site currently operates right now.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
7,768 posts
The issue I figured out today is that in a recent update there's been code added to check which page the user is coming from.

So if i'm on my profile and I click + to add an audio song, I still see the profile skin even though I'm not on the profile. This makes sense.

The problem is, that if I go from my profile to a page on the site, say /user/login it STILL thinks I want to see the profile skin because the situation is the same as the above one. This is the problem now.

If your on the 'site' level and your clicking around you should see all the correct skins _until_ you visit a profile once, then things can start to go wrong. Its that that needs figuring out.

Simplest solution is to revert to "Is it a profile url? yes, show profile skin, no, don't." but that brings back the previous issue of "On profile, click + to add something, skin changes."
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael,

I think (not 100% sure) I am following you. I have seen that sort of skin switching behavior on the demo site.

I also saw my notes temporarily grab the wrong skin once on my "real" network, but only after the latest round of updates, which included the Ningja clone skin in the Profiles and Admin sections.

However, I have never PREVIOUSLY seen any such issues on my "real" network. So when you say there will be a problem if you "revert" to the old way, I'm not so sure.

I could be in a profile and add a page (or song, or whatever), or I can be in a profile styled "sitebuilder page" and go to add a new sitebuilder page, and the result is always another profile styled page.

So whatever way you were coding things until recently, seems to work. I don't know why, but it doesn't produce the condition you seem to think will occur if you revert ("On profile, click + to add something, skin changes.").

I can only report what I see, I'm not sure why it's not what you expect.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
7,768 posts
I've uploaded another version to of the Admin Skin module to your democo site. See if this is right.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael,

I just had a real quick look because I'm way behind on something else right now. I didn't see "switching" but it's still showing the wrong skin on sitebuilder pages.

It just occurred to me that this may be because my demo and real site have the site builder installed differently.

Not just different version numbers, but I think that perhaps on the real site I may not have sitebuilder installed in the Active section (Nova Clone Skin there) but I do in the Ningja clone, used in profile and admin sections.

It might be this section of code needs looking at, and it's placement in which skins, so that it is consistent between the real and demo sites.

{* Site Builder *}
            {if jrCore_module_is_active('jrPanel') && jrCore_module_is_active('jrMenu') && jrCore_module_is_active('jrWidget')}

                {jrMenu_display active=$menu_url}


                {if jrCore_module_is_active('jrSiteBuilder')}

                    {* User menu entries *}

I don't have time to confirm right now, but I'm thinking this may be why sitebuilder pages have different styles between the sites and it's confusing us???????


Ken Rich
10 years ago
7,768 posts
Its not site builder related.

I find it hard to understand what's going on when you just say ".. it's still showing the wrong skin ..". Could you elaborate out to a full "This is what the settings are. This is what I expect to see. This is what I actually see. On this url." for me please when you have time.
updated by @michael: 11/26/15 06:35:51PM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael,

We can continue to use the same URL's I gave above.

If you look at this page you can see it is taking the Nova clone style from the active skin (Terminator 2)

Here is the same page on my "real" site and it's taking the Ninja clone style (Network skin) from the Admin/Profile sections

That is the thing I am not understanding - why is that? It's the same page, different style. I am expecting the demo to give me the same style as the real site.

The same thing happens if I create (not import) a page at the demo site - it takes the active skin but on my "real" network it takes the skin used in admin - profile sections.


Now I don't know if I am "barking up the wrong tree" here or not, but what I have noted recently is the two sites are not set up the same in terms of where the sitebuilder code is installed.

On my "real" network it is not installed to the active skin, but only to the profile-admin sections.

On the demo site it's the opposite situation.

So my suspicion is - maybe that is why pages take a different style when imported or created on the demo site???

Again, that might be foolish to think - I don't know. Is it worth my time running experiments to confirm???


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/27/15 04:56:35AM
10 years ago
865 posts
I have to think that maybe you were exploiting a bug with the admin skin module without knowing it! Admin skin AFAIK should not allow you to switch a profiles skin, that functionality is found in the profile tweaks module. Admin skin AFAIK should only affect the Acp area not the frontend.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Thanks for the input Gary. I think the way it works is that admin skin allows you to have a completely different admin, profile and active skin (not recommended but possible).

The profile skin is the default site wide and the profile tweaks module allows individual users to deviate from that default - make sense?


Ken Rich
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
I did some experimenting. I put the unmodified skins in the demo and reverted to sitebuilder 1.

That makes the set-up exactly the same as my "real" network - same sitebuilder version, same skin versions.

However, I saw no change in the issue. I could still not show or create pages in the desired style as the "real" network does.

So now I have reverted back (once again) to sitebuilder 2 and the newly done skins in the demo.

Based on that experiment, it doesn't seem to be related to skin or sitebuilder versions.

I must assume something else causes the difference in style, possibly the modification to the admin skin module you were talking about?

Perhaps the next experiment should be making the admin skin modules the same version, and seeing if that is the cause?


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/27/15 12:16:39PM
10 years ago
3,304 posts
why need an admin skin at all
i did the opposite i made the admin area blend perfectly with my skin
have you tried just not using the admin skin since thats only for you to see anyway

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Soaring Eagle,

Thanks for the input. I use the admin skin module to run a Nova clone on the front page and a Ningja clone everywhere else.

Everyone see both skins.

I don't have the CSS or Java skills to duplicate the aesthetics and functionality of my current front page in a Ningja clone.

I ended up in this predicament because Paul started me off (as the first Ning migrant) in a Nova skin but then Jamroom (seeing what was involved) opted to support the Ningja skin for migrants.

So now I need the functionality of Ningja in profiles and my Nova clone out on the front page.

The thing I can't figure out is on my real site I can make pages in the Ningja style but on my demo site they always take the Nova style.

So far I haven't found a reason for the difference.


Ken Rich
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
I just ran another experiment. On the demo site I overwrote the admin skin module's include file with an earlier version but it made no difference. Original is now put back.

So neither the admin skin version, skin versions, or sitebuilder version seem to be causing the difference in skin styles between the demo and real site.


Ken Rich
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
If it looks a little off on the demo site now it's because I'm running more experiments reverting to earlier versions and such.

I've noticed if I take the sitebuilder code out of the header menu template in version one - the buttons are gone, in version 2 they still show which tells me you are putting them their by a different method.

Maybe java slider or something I don't understand.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/28/15 08:51:44AM
10 years ago
865 posts
Would it not be easier just to redesign the front-page in Ningja than to match that of Nova than all of this?
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Gary,

Sorry but I do not have the java and CSS skills for that. I spent many days at it before and couldn't even find a way to float my radio and logo on top of the page.

I have a featuring system as well in the Nova that shows 4 members, 4 songs, 4 videos, etc. all from the paid subscriber quota only, but I can't get it to work in Ningja. Something about how it resets with ajax or java. I have members who pay to be in that.

The rest I could handle but not those two issues.


Ken Rich
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
I'm on the right track now. I reverted a bunch of stuff to earlier versions and got the desired outcome. I have to bring them back to current one at a time to isolate what causes the issue.


Ken Rich
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael, now has the right style. It's not from the active skin, it's from the Ningja clone in the profiles and admin sections.

Admin skin 1.2.7 is installed and Sitebuilder 1 with Menus 1.0.11 Widgets 1.0.14 Panels 1.0.15

Skins are the xxTerminator 2 and xxNetwork 2 that incorporate your mods, with the addition of my CSS via table entries.

From here, if I upgrade to Sitebuilder 2 (changing nothing else), I see the issue where sitebuilder pages start taking the active skin, rather than the one I prefer. If I revert the problem disappears.

This indicates to me that the issue has something to do with the difference between Sitebuilder 1 and 2, rather than the skins or the Admin Skin module. Although the CSS I put in through the tables might be part of the issue too.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/30/15 05:44:21AM
10 years ago
865 posts
Ken Rich:
Hi Gary,

I have a featuring system as well in the Nova that shows 4 members, 4 songs, 4 videos, etc. all from the paid subscriber quota only, but I can't get it to work in Ningja. Something about how it resets with ajax or java. I have members who pay to be in that.

The rest I could handle but not those two issues.

Are you referring to if you reload the page there is no tab showing by default? I got the tabs working in Ningja this morning.

Just not sure I can share the changed Ningja skin on here as it's not a free skin?
ningjatabs.jpg  •  55KB

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Gary,

That is the section I am talking about. I can get those tabs to show but I can't get them to "load" properly because of some type of reset issue which I believe is in Ajax or Java.

So if I show the featured members and then click another tab like featured songs it doesn't re initialize properly. It is only taking the page load (not tab clicks) as initialize - if you get where I am coming from. It's been a while since I attempted, but that is the issue if I recall.

Now over on this page it works perfectly but it has the Nova clone as active.

I've also got all the individual elements working in a Ningja clone there, for example on top of the songs page at there are 4 featured songs from the paid quotas - so automatic paid advertising.

To do this I had to put a piece of code into all the content categories of Ningja from Nova.

I just couldn't solve the multi-tab issue on the front page.

If you want to experiment, I can give you admin status on my demo site - it costs me nothing extra for modules and skins, since I am in Jamroom hosting. Besides which I paid for both of those skins before Jamroom hosting became available.

In fact Douglas (Jamroom) tried to tell me how to do it before (in a forum post if I can find it) but I had no clue how to implement - too advanced for me.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/30/15 05:56:32AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Gary,

Found it -

That thread explains the issue and how to resolve it but it turned out to be too advanced for me to understand or implement.

It's what Douglas wrote toward the bottom that is relevant.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/30/15 06:30:19AM
10 years ago
2,797 posts
If your using the latest Nova skin, the JS for those tabs has been moved out of the jrNova.js file and into the templates. So this code:

<script type="text/javascript">

is no longer needed and could cause issues. Instead the actual javascript for each page has been added directly into the templates for that particular page. For example, the index.tpl now has this instead:

<script type="text/javascript">
        jrLoad('#sm',core_system_url +'/index_artists');
        jrLoad('#top_artists',core_system_url +'/top_artists');
        jrLoad('#top_songs',core_system_url +'/top_songs');

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Douglas,

I'm still using the old Nova skin but I can't use Nova at all now (either version) - this functionality has to be transferred to my Ningja skin in order to upgrade to Sitebuilder 2.

So how do I make that work in Ningja? Pretend for a minute that basic HTML is challenging for me and Javascript is like absolute Greek.

All I know is my current working code looks like:

<br><div class="row">

    <div class="col12 last">
      {if jrCore_is_mobile_device()}<div class="menu_tab">
             <div id="default" class="p_choice fartist" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_artists');jrSetActive('#default');">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="21" default="featured"} {jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="12" default="artists"}</div>
            <div id="s_song" class="p_choice fsong" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_songs');jrSetActive('#s_song');">Songs</div>
            <div id="s_video" class="p_choice fvideo" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_videos');jrSetActive('#s_video');">Videos</div>
                        <div class="clear"></div>

        <div class="menu_tab">
            <div id="default" class="p_choice fartist" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_artists');jrSetActive('#default');">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="21" default="featured"} {jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="12" default="artists"}</div>
            <div id="s_song" class="p_choice fsong" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_songs');jrSetActive('#s_song');">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="21" default="featured"} {jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="13" default="songs"}</div>
            <div id="s_soundcloud" class="p_choice fsoundcloud" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_soundclouds');jrSetActive('#s_soundcloud');">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="21" default="featured"} {jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="61" default="Soundcloud"}</div>
            <div id="s_video" class="p_choice fvideo" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_videos');jrSetActive('#s_video');">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="21" default="featured"} {jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="14" default="videos"}</div>
            <div id="s_youtube" class="p_choice fyoutube" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_youtubes');jrSetActive('#s_youtube');">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="21" default="featured"} {jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="62" default="youtube"}</div>
            <div id="s_vimeo" class="p_choice fvimeo" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_vimeos');jrSetActive('#s_vimeo');">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="21" default="featured"} {jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="63" default="vimeo"}</div>
            <div class="clear"></div>
        <div class="inner mb8">
            <div id="sm"></div>



What exactly must that look like in Ningja? Keep in mind I have already got each form of content being featured in Ningja, by a two step process.

I copied the Nova index_XXXXX_row.tpl files into Ningja like this (video example).

{if isset($_items)}
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        {foreach from=$_items item="item"}
            <div class="col3{if $row@last} last{/if}">
                <div class="p5" style="text-align:center;">
                    <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$_params.module_url}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.video_title_url}">{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrVideo" type="video_image" item_id=$item._item_id size="medium" crop="auto" alt=$item.video_title title=$item.video_title class="iloutline img_shadow"}</a><br>
                    <div style="width:196px;margin:0 auto;">
                                <td class="media_title capital" style="text-align:center;">
                                    <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$_params.module_url}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.video_title_url}" title="{$item.video_title}">{$item.video_title|truncate:25:"...":false}</a><br>
                                    <span class="normal"><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}" title="{$item.profile_name}">{$item.profile_name|truncate:20:"...":false}</a></span>

On content index pages, I then added this code to get my paid quotas only to feature, thus creating paid advertising. A very handy innovation useful in selling subscriptions and funding the network. Again video example:

{jrCore_list module="jrVideo" order_by="video_title random" quota_id="6,7" limit="4" template="index_videos_row.tpl" require_image="video_image"}

So the building blocks already exist in my Ningja clone, I just don't have a clue (even with what you have written) how to write the code for the multi-tab version in Ningja.

Are you telling me just that little code snippet you gave above will do the trick? Or is that calling on some heavier code in the Java library that exists in Nova, but does not currently exist in Ningja?

With what you see I have done in my code examples, what EXACTLY do I paste into Ningja to get it's front page to show the multitab widget and is that the only thing i have to do? Are div references and so on for CSS a problem here as well?


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/30/15 10:23:18AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
I've had a chance to try this code in Ningja and got absolutely nowhere with it. All that showed up is some plain text words.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
865 posts
I'll try and explain the steps I took.

Add this to the ningja index template page.


{jrCore_include template="header.tpl"}


<script type="text/javascript">
        jrLoad('#sm',core_system_url +'/index_artists');
        jrLoad('#top_artists',core_system_url +'/top_artists');
        jrLoad('#top_songs',core_system_url +'/top_songs');

Now we add the code to show the featured tabs, place it where you want it to show:

    <div class="row">

        <div class="col12 last">

            <div class="menu_tab">
                <div id="default" class="p_choice fartist" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_artists');jrSetActive('#default');">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="50" default="featured"}&nbsp;{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="52" default="artists"}</div>
                <div id="s_song" class="p_choice fsong" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_songs');jrSetActive('#s_song');">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="50" default="featured"}&nbsp;{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="51" default="songs"}</div>
                <div id="s_video" class="p_choice fvideo" onclick="jrLoad('#sm','{$jamroom_url}/index_videos');jrSetActive('#s_video');">{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="50" default="featured"}&nbsp;{jrCore_lang  skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="15" default="videos"}</div>
                <div class="clear"></div>
            <div class="finner mb8">
                <div id="sm"></div>



Copy the following template files from Nova into the Ningja skin


Copy the following css file from Nova into the Ningja ccs folder


Open up the include.php file in your ningja template folder you need to register that new css file so it is included.

Add the following under // Bring in all our CSS files

jrCore_register_module_feature('jrCore', 'css', 'indiegospel', 'core_tabs.css');

Remember to change indiegospel to the name of your skin.

Now open the Ningja config.php file and add the following.

    // Featured Artist ID's
    $_tmp = array(
        'name'     => 'featured_artist_ids',
        'type'     => 'text',
        'default'  => '',
        'validate' => 'not_empty',
        'label'    => 'Featured Artist ID\'s',
        'help'     => 'Enter the artist ID\'s you want to show in featured tab section.<br><br><span class="form_help_small">Note: Enter up to 4 ID\'s separated by a comma. ie. 1,2,3,4. If left blank the Featured Artist tab will show 4 random artists.</span>',
        'section'  => 'Home Page',
        'order'    => 64

    // Featured Song ID's
    $_tmp = array(
        'name'     => 'featured_song_ids',
        'type'     => 'text',
        'default'  => '',
        'validate' => 'not_empty',
        'label'    => 'Featured Song ID\'s',
        'help'     => 'Enter the song ID\'s you want to show in featured tab section.<br><br><span class="form_help_small">Note: Enter up to 4 ID\'s separated by a comma. ie. 1,2,3,4. If left blank the Featured Song tab will show 4 random songs.</span>',
        'section'  => 'Home Page',
        'order'    => 65

    // Featured Video ID's
    $_tmp = array(
        'name'     => 'featured_video_ids',
        'type'     => 'text',
        'default'  => '',
        'validate' => 'not_empty',
        'label'    => 'Featured Video ID\'s',
        'help'     => 'Enter the video ID\'s you want to show in featured tab section.<br><br><span class="form_help_small">Note: Enter up to 4 ID\'s separated by a comma. ie. 1,2,3,4. If left blank the Featured Video tab will show 4 random videos.</span>',
        'section'  => 'Home Page',
        'order'    => 66

Note the order No, and adjust as needed, and again don't forget to change indiegospel to the exact name of your skin.

Add the following to Ningja's en_us lang file, at the bottom

$lang[50] = 'Featured';
$lang[51] = 'Songs';
$lang[52] = 'Artists';

Now do a skin integrity check and clear your cache.

If done correctly you should now see the tabs on your homepage.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Gary,

Thanks alot - much appreciated.

I'll take a crack at it and see where I end up.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Just gotta say... i'm so impressed by all this.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
I'm impressed that Gary was so helpful and SoaringEagle offered as well. Now Douglas (the Jamroom skins expert) is going into my server for a look.

The thing is, the featuring system works beautifully on my current site, uses only subscribed quotas, so it's paid advertising that helps sell subscriptions and pay the bills.

I can't scrap it just to move to sitebuilder 2 and besides that, I can't do anything nice with the CSS in Ningja. I can't get the front page to look near as good as the Nova version, but Ningja looks way better in the Profiles and Sitebuilder pages.

Everything I want exists, I'm just having trouble putting it in one package - lol.


Ken Rich
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Thanks for all the help and tips... All's well that ends well...

I have a new skin on my site now which is a Ninja Clone. The homepage was made to look like the Nova Light Skin and the Nova featuring system is incorporated.

This allowed be to stop using a "2 skin" solution through the Admin Skin module.

Consequently, I have successfully upgraded to Site Builder 2 and am having no issues.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
3,304 posts
Ken Rich:
Hi Gary,

Sorry but I do not have the java and CSS skills for that. I spent many days at it before and couldn't even find a way to float my radio and logo on top of the page.

I have a featuring system as well in the Nova that shows 4 members, 4 songs, 4 videos, etc. all from the paid subscriber quota only, but I can't get it to work in Ningja. Something about how it resets with ajax or java. I have members who pay to be in that.

The rest I could handle but not those two issues.

thats simole tio do with jrcorelist search=quotaid 4 or something thats not exactly right but its super simple

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
3,304 posts
Ken Rich:
Thanks for all the help and tips... All's well that ends well...

I have a new skin on my site now which is a Ninja Clone. The homepage was made to look like the Nova Light Skin and the Nova featuring system is incorporated.

This allowed be to stop using a "2 skin" solution through the Admin Skin module.

Consequently, I have successfully upgraded to Site Builder 2 and am having no issues.

I FIGURED THAT WASTHE BEST OPTION, ningja is easily customo] izable to look nothing like ningja and fit into any design you want, especialy using sitebuilder to create custom pages , and create custom pemplates

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities