solved Creating Default Galleries

10 years ago
1,353 posts
The site I have been playing with and posting questions about is school sports related

When A member wants to upload a photo I want that member to have to choose between my preconfigured galleries.

ANY picture someone uploads would go into one of the galleries in this list

6 Cheerleading

So when someone attempts to add a photo to the website it would say something like "Please select a gallery for your photo(s)" and list these galleries ( this would work on desktops as well as mobile devices)

The reason I want this so that I can display the latest 5 photos from each gallery on the site home I would have 6 small gallery grids each with photos that belong to that group/sport

The way its configured now I do not see how to separate out the photos to separate groups unless i go in each day and add a TAG to each photo someone uploads THEN use the smarty code to select only the latest images with those tags...- which would mean lots of work as the site I am trying to work all this out BEFORE I start sharing the site with people in my area...

Has anyone attempted the code to make default galleries that members have to choose from when uploading a photo?

updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
It could actually be in the form of radio buttons even


1-Football 2-Basketball 3-Baseball 4-Softball 5-Track 6 Cheerleading 7-Band 8-Golf
10 years ago
10,149 posts
You could make the gallery title a custom form designer field that is a "SELECT" field that has your preconfigured options.

However that will create the gallery on their profile. There's no way without doing something custom to "force" the user's images to go into some sort of "global" gallery.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Thank you Brian- this advice is working pretty good..It allows me to make sure all user images go into default galleries THEN i can call them using item lists to certain pages that they pertain too..

There is one small glitch
under the the

Only seems to lists 3 form fields that can be removed but there are actually 4 form fields on the page
The last one on bottom is the one I need to removed but there seems to be no form field that I can use to deactivate this field

You can see the field i need to remove in the screenshot- its the field that says
Gallery |Football New Value|...
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updated by @derrickhand300: 10/30/15 09:56:43AM
10 years ago
2,802 posts
There are three forms for the Gallery, create,modify and detail, make sure you've added the field in question to all the forms where you need it.

There is a drop down selection at the top right after clicking the Form Designer button that will allow you to switch between forms.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Douglas
But it seems the field at the bottom of the form.. ( see screenshot) cannot be edited in the form designer...not in any way that I can see
I am actually n ot wanting to ADD A FIELD I want to remove one
updated by @derrickhand300: 10/31/15 10:04:38AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah I see that as well here, and for some reason that form fields has been purposefully disabled in the form designer - I'm not sure why so I will check it out.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
1,353 posts
10 years ago
10,149 posts

This is fixed in the next release of the Galleries module, but it will take just a bit before that is released as there are some changes in it that need the next Core to be released first - we're working hard on that.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
1,353 posts
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Brian...I am seeing the same issue when trying to use the Form Editor on YouTube videos
The issue is I am trying to remove the line that allows for "SEARCH YOUTUBE" in the form designer but the field is not present to disable
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10 years ago
1,353 posts
I was able to remove it by removing jrCore_page_note.tpl from the jrCore module...But I am not sure what the effects of this will be on other forms?
Please let me know if you think this is an 'ok" solution?
Thanks again
updated by @derrickhand300: 11/03/15 10:31:50AM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
jrCore_page_note.tpl is an over-ride of the jrCore modules page_note.tpl template by your skin.

If your skin has jrCore_page_note.tpl then its probably something you put there, or something that was put there for you by the skin designer.

Removing it will result in the default version being used.
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Yes -the file name was to override the template in jrCore....really not much in the template
  <td colspan="2" class="element"><div class="page_note">{$html}</div></td>
my concern was "is editing out the template code going to have effects in other places besides youtube?
10 years ago
7,791 posts
yeah, that is just a notice to output whatever notice is coming out. by deactivating it your opting-out of all notices from anywhere.

Its like cutting the cable to the oil lamp on your dashboard instead of putting more oil in the engine.
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Michael

I actually thought I had the galleries working according to my needs but after testing I am not getting the expected results from my code modifications

My plan was to make default galleries for images on the site-so everyone who uploads an image would have to choose from my list of predetermined default galleries. I did this using the FORM DESIGNER ( please see the screenshot)

Then I used the following code to output the image galleries on a page
<h2><span style="color: #00ffff;"><a style="color: #00ffff;" href="">CLICK HERE TO UPLOAD YOUR PHOTOS</a></span></h2>
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Football" order_by="_created desc" limit="20" pagebreak="20" pager="true" page=$_post.p group_by="gallery_title"}<br>
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Basketball" order_by="_created desc" limit="20" pagebreak="20" pager="true" page=$_post.p group_by="gallery_title"}<br>
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Baseball" order_by="_created desc" limit="20" pagebreak="20" pager="true" page=$_post.p group_by="gallery_title"}<br>
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Softball" order_by="_created desc" limit="20" pagebreak="20" pager="true" page=$_post.p group_by="gallery_title"}<br>
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Track" order_by="_created desc" limit="20" pagebreak="20" pager="true" page=$_post.p group_by="gallery_title"}<br>
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Golf" order_by="_created desc" limit="20" pagebreak="20" pager="true" page=$_post.p group_by="gallery_title"}<br>
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Band" order_by="_created desc" limit="20" pagebreak="20" pager="true" page=$_post.p group_by="gallery_title"}<br>
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Cheerleading" order_by="_created desc" limit="20" pagebreak="20" pager="true" page=$_post.p group_by="gallery_title"}<br>

My understanding and the expected result was the modifications i made in the FORM DESIGNER would
1st-create default galleries ( because this "select" gallery is set as 'Required and active"
2nd-The template code would get the images as they were uploaded according to the"gallery_title' and display them ion the appropriate gallery

The actual result I am getting is that the images ARE NOT being displayed in the default galleries when a user uploads them-instead they are still going to their OWN gallery that the JR platform is creating?

So thats my issue- what I want to happen is
1- users must select a gallery when uploading their image (A gallery from the list I created in form designer)
2- when that image is uploaded it is displayed using the template code I shared above on any page I put the code on
3- the newly uploaded image NEVER creates a gallery of its own

I wonder if you guys can tell me what I am doing wrong- and if its too complicated for me..I am wondering if there is one of you Tall Dudes that I can pay to code this so it works as expected.

I ask because its something I AM REALLY needing and an issue I must work out before I can get to promoting my new site to others...

Thanks for any advice/help on this
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Followed along with your instructions and got the galleries working as I think you expect them to work.

Not sure where the trouble lies at.

Use the Form Designer to change the 'text' field of the gallery_title to SELECT make it 'active' and 'required'

When a user goes to upload a gallery they will have to select from the options you have given them.

Make sure the UPDATE form of the Form Designer matches so they have to choose there too. Also the 'detail' page so they cant create a new gallery from there either.

Should be good to go from there. When creating a gallery they HAVE to choose from the options. All images go into that gallery on their profile. You can then use {jrCore_list} to pull just those gallery images from all profiles to create a page for each set.
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Michael- but cannot get the same results here

Can you tell me if the code I posted above is correct to output the galleries using 'gallery_title"?

Even though I select "football" for the image in the screenshot- when it uploads it creates a new gallery which is not on my default list
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updated by @derrickhand300: 11/11/15 04:01:46AM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Here is a series of screenshots to show you what I am doing/seeing on my end

10 years ago
1,353 posts
Still trying to solve this..
Here is the code I have on a page to collect "Basketball" photos
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Basketball" order_by="_created desc" limit="20" pagebreak="20" pager="true" page=$_post.p group_by="gallery_title"}<br>

Attached is a screenshot from the datastore of an image with the gallery_title of 'basketball"

but NONE of these images with the gallery_title Basketball are displaying in the item list gallery-they are still being displayed off in a gallery the platform is creating....
Capture.JPG.jpg  •  26KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 11/12/15 07:00:44PM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Ok...I have found a workaround (I think)
Instead of using gallery_title ( which does not work) if I replace that with gallery_select then it gets the images...why?
and lastly HOW do I stop these images from also forming their own gallery? ( I want them ALL to use the default galleries)
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Now its really screwed up...calling it a night again..
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Think I've got you sorted out @derrickhand300 Only images uploaded by a profile owner will show on that profile. Other peoples images will show on their own profile.

When you want to show all of the profile images your {jrCore_list } call that you had will work fine, but you need to make sure to NOT use the GROUP BY option. That way they should all come out.
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Thank you Michael-I had to go into the Form Designer and make some more changes...buit somehow its now working as expected-thanks again for your help
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Thank you Michael-I had to go into the Form Designer and make some more changes...buit somehow its now working as expected-thanks again for your help

Changing the gallery_title to a select should "just work" - if it is not, then either the form has been messed up in some way or there is a bug. I did it and no issues, so my guess is the form fields have gotten out of whack some how.

Send me your admin login and password and I can reset it so the gallery title is a select form field like you want. Should only take 2 minutes.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Brian- got it working as expected except for pagination
using this code
<h2><span style="color: #00ffff;"><a style="color: #00ffff;" href="">CLICK HERE TO UPLOAD YOUR PHOTOS</a></span></h2><br>
Basketball{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Basketball" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" pagebreak="10" pager="true" page=$_post.p  template="widget_list_grid_6.tpl" tpl_dir="jrGallery"}<br>
Football{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Football" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" pagebreak="10" pager="true" page=$_post.p  template="widget_list_grid_6.tpl" tpl_dir="jrGallery"}<br>
Band{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Band" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" pagebreak="10" pager="true" page=$_post.p  template="widget_list_grid_6.tpl" tpl_dir="jrGallery"}<br>
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Softball" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" pagebreak="10" pager="true" page=$_post.p  template="widget_list_grid_6.tpl" tpl_dir="jrGallery"}<br>
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Track" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" pagebreak="10" pager="true" page=$_post.p  template="widget_list_grid_6.tpl" tpl_dir="jrGallery"}<br>

{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="gallery_title = Cheerleading" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" pagebreak="10" pager="true" page=$_post.p  template="widget_list_grid_6.tpl" tpl_dir="jrGallery"}

Can you tell me is there something wrong with the code that i have which may be stopping the pagination from showing up on each of the above galleries?

You can view the gallery on the home page in the left column-please let me know
