Does anyone have a Activity Timeline configured that they are particularly proud of that they could share? Activity Timeline is one aspect that I continue to struggle with on JR-I have given up on configuring one in site builder or template code.
For me a module with check boxes would be an awesome addition-something like
CHECK BOX-videos
CHECK BOX images
CHECK BOX new members
CHECK BOX comments
CHECK BOX content updates
CHECK BOX new blogs
etc etc etc...
I would like to be able to select the content I WANT to show in the activity timeline and UNCHECK the content I dont want to show in the timeline.
So the ideal module would have check boxes for all the available content from the datastore BUT I could check and uncheck what I wanted to show up. Personally I would pay $49 bucks for this particular module in a heartbeat
I am not good enough in the data store and the template code to configure this myself and even though I am using Site Builder its impossible for me to understand and configure this in there.
If you need a module idea as a challenge there is one...if you have a decently configured Activity Timeline code already that you could share i would LOVE the opportunity to use it.
The timeline I want is pretty simple- I want to show the following
New Blogs
New Videos
New Images
New Members
New Events
What i dont want
New followers
New comments and especially I dont want
I dont want to share with everyone that I changed a word in the description of a video or all the other stuff that seems to be associated with UPDATES
I would also like the Activity Timeline to be configured to either a 3 or 4 column layout and the video thumbnails or images to be sized correctly and uniformly throughout the timeline
As an added bonus I would like ALL a members IMAGE uploads to go into a Gallery by default that is just named after the persons profile if they upload 1 image right in an hour or 6 during a particular event -that they all go to a default gallery with their name on it...
I dont want one person to have 50 galleries...
I just want it to work like other social platforms like Facebook...where if I upload 6 images separately over a 15 minute period- all 6 go into a gallery with their profile name on it AND all 6 show up in the activity timeline in the same content post with 6 thumbnails....
The reason for this...
If you upload 6 images you just totally dominated my main page timeline which is set to show the last 6 lastest your 6 images wiped out all the content that came before it...
It would be much better if all 6 images were 1 post in the timeline of 6 posts...
Anyone ever figured out how to do something like this..??
As important as it seems-it just blows my mind it has not been made/released as either a standard feature OR a paid would organize the site so much better especially on mobile devices and make it a more pleasant site to visit..
Looking forward to input/advice/help/code
I just made an example in Facebook...I added several images..and this is how its displayed on my FB page...this is how I would like a multiple image or multiple video upload to be displayed on my JR Activity Timeline on the sites main page and the persons profile page
updated by @derrickhand300: 01/26/16 06:33:25PM