solved Are there still lofi and hifi audio options in JR5?

10 years ago
107 posts
Does JR5 support using a lofi and hifi audio option as in JR3 and JR4? I can only seem to upload one or the other but not both. In the past we have offered our users a 128K and a 320K preview and download option.

I know that I could add the song twice in the 2 different formats but that would I'm thinking mess up the whole charting system.
updated by @charles-brady: 04/13/16 08:21:26AM
10 years ago
7,793 posts
One of the challenges addressed with JR5 was all the new forms of devices, so now by default each song is run through a system similar to the old "conversion server" to create several formats of the audio and video files so there will be one form that is playable on any of the new devices.

So there is no lofi/hifi anymore (which was for people with slower connections) but there should always be a format of the song that can play on all devices.

If its for sale, then the original format of the song is the one that gets delivered.
10 years ago
107 posts
Thanks! Not what I wanted to see but thanks for the clarification. The learning curve as in the words of Mr Trump is HUGE....
10 years ago
7,793 posts
Try to think about it this way; When you were on JR4 it was a music community platform. One system built to do one thing. With JR5 its a community platform, and what its for depends on what modules you plug into it.

With that in mind, all the settings for a particular module will be found on that modules section of the ACP.

That should help figure out where to look.

If you let me know the questions you are getting stuck with, I'll put them together in an FAQ to help new users. (working on the docs a lot right now.)

What do you want the lofi for?
10 years ago
107 posts
I need the one system built to do one thing platform you mentioned...

Since 1996 we have been using JR for music delivery to radio stations. Some stations wanted the MP3 at 128 and some wanted the MP3 at 320. (Just giving them what they needed.)

As I see it now I have 3 options none of which I'm thrilled about. I can either:

1 - Post 2 versions of the same song leading with like 128K-My Life Is Stuck In JR3 and 320K-My Life Is Stuck In JR3. (PROBLEM: I will have a charting system with duplicate songs in the charts)

2 - Move to a direct delivery system via email using dropbox or hightail. (PROBLEM: Charting would have to be done manually and email spam/delivery problems.)

3- (This one came to me in my sleep this morning) Create 2 JR5 sites. One for the 128K crowd and one for the 320K crowd. (PROBLEM: Double duty on uploading songs and updating artist info. and trying to merge the charting info.)
10 years ago
10,149 posts
What I would recommend doing in this case is to upload the MP3 file as a 320kbps (this will be the "original") and then the system will create the 128kbps version during the conversion process.

That way you end up with 128kbps and 320kbps version of the audio file and can make both available, without impacting charting, etc.

Let me know if that helps!

p.s. Thank you for being such a long time JR user!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
107 posts
Thanks Brian!
I tried that but I still only see one download button. How do I get a button to display for that 128K download option and keep the 320K one as well?
1-DownloadButton.jpg  •  103KB

10 years ago
10,149 posts
That's a good question - right now there's only the one download button, and I think the system "blocks" downloads of the lower bit rate stream file. Let me think about this for a bit and see if I can think of a way to make this work without too much modifications.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
7,793 posts
I just tried this and it worked:
* use the Form Designer to add another field to both the CREATE and UPDATE forms for the audio module.

The form field name will be 'audio_lofi' and the type will be 'audio'. This will allow another file to be uploaded during the audio create process.

Then add these 3 lines to somewhere on the jrAudio's item_detail.tpl page:

{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_button" module="jrAudio" field="audio_lofi" item=$item}<br>
{jrCore_module_url module="jrAudio" assign="murl"}
<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/download/audio_lofi/{$item._item_id}">Download Lofi</a>
That will put the button player there to play the lofi version and the download link to download the lofi version.

You then need to turn off the block file downloads:
ACP -> MEDIA -> AUDIO SUPPORT -> GLOBAL CONFIG -> "block file downloads"

Perhaps wrap the above in an {if jrUser_is_logged_in()} to make it only visible to the logged in users.
10 years ago
107 posts

Perhaps wrap the above in an {if jrUser_is_logged_in()} to make it only visible to the logged in users.

I'm up for trying this but could you show me what the above wrapper would look like? I assume there is a line of code above and below this:

{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_button" module="jrAudio" field="audio_lofi" item=$item}
{jrCore_module_url module="jrAudio" assign="murl"}
Download Lofi

So does {if jrUser_is_logged_in()} go top and bottom or just top or some closing tag?
10 years ago
4,335 posts
{if jrUser_is_logged_in()} 
    // Put here the code to be run if the user is logged in


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
7,793 posts
Got some docs up on Template Blocks and the 'if user is logged in' structure:

"{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}{/if}"
9 years ago
302 posts
What I would recommend doing in this case is to upload the MP3 file as a 320kbps (this will be the "original") and then the system will create the 128kbps version during the conversion process.

That way you end up with 128kbps and 320kbps version of the audio file and can make both available, without impacting charting, etc.

@brian, I'd like to keep only the 128kbps version of my audio files. Is that possible?

I want this because of the mp3 sizes. I want to have the smallest size mp3 as possible.

Can JR5 delete the original mp3? I prefer to have a 3mb file before one of 5mb on my server (or worst, have both)

9 years ago
7,793 posts
I thought there was a setting or a tool for not saving the originals or cleaning up the originals, but I've been looking and cant find it for the audio system.

The original file is stored with a .original. extension, so if its an mp3 file you'll have:
/data/media/1/1/jrAudio_audio_file.mp3 and

Its the original that will be delivered if the file is sold or used if the reconversion process is done or delivered if the download button is used.
9 years ago
302 posts
1. So if I delete the original, the download button will stop working?

2. Do you know how to scan the website and delete all .original. extension files?

9 years ago
7,793 posts
1. don't know, never tried that, would need some testing as what your thinking about is a custom setup.

2. I think filezilla has a filter option to filter the files on the server to a specific pattern.
9 years ago
302 posts
One more @michael, what if I upload a 128kbps mp3 file? the system will create a 64kbps version for me?

or.. how does it work? I'd like to understand that process.

9 years ago
107 posts
@andrusito I think the system default is to create the 128K file but I could be wrong..

The easy way to handle it is to just upload the file at 128K to begin with. I needed both file sizes for my site (Like JR 3 and 4 had) but the only solution I found was to create 2 sites. On one I upload a 320K file and on the other I upload a 128K file.

So in your case @andrusito I'd just upload the 128K file.
9 years ago
302 posts
Yes, I also thought it.

Thanks for your comment @charles-brady.